Chapter 12 - PETER'S POV

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I wake up suddenly. I see everyone standing around me and Wanda.
"Umm..." I say quietly. I shake Wanda's leg to wake her up. She also wakes up suddenly, and is still half asleep.
Steve looks at me, his eyes burning into my soul. I look away and move away slightly from Wanda.

Tony is smiling sheepishly, I can tell he is enjoying all of the glares I'm getting from everyone. "So!" he says to break the awkwardness, "FRIDAY showed us what happened and we've all had some controversy about how to handle this". Wanda looks at me confused. I just shrug.

Steve steps forward and says, "We've decided that you guys are not allowed to live on the same floor, Wanda you'll be moving onto me, Nat and Sam's floor. Peter you get your room and someone will move across the hall." Wanda gets up.

"What the hell! Why do I have to move? We aren't going to do anything!" she says angrily.

Steve begins to talk, "Wanda, we'd all just feel better—" and Natasha interrupts him. "Actually Steve, your the only one with a problem with them sleeping so close to each other", she rolls her eyes. Steve gives her a glare. He's made up his mind. He does not want any fonduing between me and Wanda. Wanda rolls her eyes, grabs my arm and pulls me to the elevator, forgetting my cruches. Steve is about to say something when she yells, "He's just helping me pack up!!!"

We go up to her room and I start putting her stuff in boxes. I smile as I look at the pictures of her and her brother. She comes and looks over my shoulder and laughs. "That picture is from before me and Pietro were with HYDRA" she smiles, "He had just won his first track race".

I smile at her lightly, "I bet you miss him".

"Tons", she says back. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair. We continue wrapping things and moving them for the rest of the day.
Super short chapter, I just needed a transition chapter to show they're dating now. And to show that the team knows.

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