Chapter 18 - WANDA'S POV

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He looks so weak, so helpless. Peter has been through so much pain, and the universe keeps putting him through more.

They put him on a stretcher and run him into a room. Bruce immediately hooks him up to an IV and begins transferring his blood back. I watch through the window as they stitch his gashes and repair his broken bones. Steve grabs my arm lightly and says, "Wanda, maybe you should get some rest. You've been awake for days on end. He's safe. He's back home now. He's fine", he smiles lightly.

"I can't. I'm staying here. I have to wait for him to wake up. He needs someone with him." I tear up.

He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest. When he pulls away he sits in the chair on the other side of the hall. I sit in the chair next to his. I lean my head on his shoulder, and fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed. I get up and start to go out to the elevator when Nat gets up from my desk chair and blocks the door. "Hun, he's alright. Go back to bed. You slept for only an hour. You're 18, it's not healthy to sleep that little".

"I just want to see how he's doing, I promise I'll come back in ten minutes", I say.

She contemplates for a little bit, "Argh, alright fine. Steve is gonna kick my ass if he finds out I let you out. Ten minutes. Go", she moves away from the door and I dart to the elevator. I tap the third floor button and it brings me up. I dash down the hall and into his room. Peter's door is closed, but I go in anyways.

He lies there motionless. I look up and down at his body. He's so frail and skinny. The horrible man probably didn't feed him a thing. I graze my fingers up his arm. There are cuts and bruises all over, and huge marks around his wrists. His bottom lip is cut open and his eyebrow is slit.

"What did he do to you, Peter", I whisper sadly.

I touch his face. I'm sick of seeing him like this, I can't do this anymore! Then Steve walks in, with a stern, but gentle look on his face.

"Wanda you need to go get some rest. Peter is stable and he's gonna be fine", he says.

I look at him, then look back a Peter, "Look at him! He could have died, Steve! I can't loose anymore people I care about!" I start to break down. I begin to fall to the floor but Steve catches me and sit me on the chair. He wraps his arms around me.

"Wanda, you're alright. Everything is fine. You don't need to worry about anything but you right now. He's alive. He's fine. Everyone is okay", I sob into his arm for half an hour. When I start to calm down he says, "Wanda, I know how much you've been through. You don't always have to pretend to be strong and brave. If you need to talk know that I'm here, Natasha's here, everyone, is here for you". He hugs me tighter. I nod, and fall asleep.
Hey guys, so idrk what I'm gonna do with this story lol, but stay tuned!! Thank you for reading!!

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