Chapter 3

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With a loud howl, Julian's ferocious, feral and royally pissed wolf ripped to the surface and Julian was in complete agreement with him. Someone was hurting his mate. Someone DARED to lay a hand on his mate.

He was going to rip them to bits.

"JULIAN!" He heard someone call out his name as he flew down the stairs in one leap. His claws digging into the expensive finish of the floor. He followed the smell of his mate's blood 'till he got a door that was padlocked shut. He didn't give two shits, that door was going down.

Slamming his whole body weight against the door, he ripped through it with ease. He could hear Alpha Dacio scream for him to stop as he ran straight into the darkness and proceeded to fall down a flight of stairs. He landed with a yelp, but quickly stood up and shook off the pain. The scent of his mates' pain and fear filled his nose.

The whole chamber was lit by old fashioned lanterns hanging on the walls. Listening, he could hear the sound of his mate's whimpers and the sound of laughter as unknown wolves continued to beat him. Julian saw red as he let out another howl and descended on the three people who cornered his mate.

He came to his senses when he heard the whimpers of his mate. His eyes cleared and the need to kill receded slightly, then he noticed his surroundings. He was standing in a puddle of blood with three dead bodies, still bleeding profusely, surrounding him. His mate was lying on the floor in front of him.

Although close to death herself, she still tried to curl away from him. He could feel his heart bleed at the unconscious rejection. Lowering himself to the ground, he brought himself close to her slowly sniffing the top of her head.

Her scent was strange. She didn't smell like a woman. Julian knew he couldn't be wrong, but the smell of the person in front of him was that of a boy.

"Julian!" he heard his name from behind him and immediately whirled around and bared his fangs at the intruder. When the scent of his beta registered to him, he quickly calmed down and turned to his mate who was now passed out on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

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