Chapter 20

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The headless body of the high king slumped to the ground, raising a small tornado of dust before it settle. He could feel Noah's gaze on him and he turned away from him. He didn’t know what to expect.  He had just killed someone  right in front of him, what did he expect? 

Just as he was about to run away, a loud gust of wind swept through the clearing, it wrapped itself around the severed body parts of the alpha king and started to swirl. It whipped bits of rocks, fallen trees and any debris on the floor into the air and swirled them right along.  Julian watched, transfixed as the wind became faster, completely covering the body and head. It became so turbulent, it was hard for him to keep his eyes open. He heard Noah calling for him and he took a few steps back, shield his mate from intense force of the wind while covering his own eyes with his front paw.

When the wind cleared, Julian blinked his eyes open. He looked around the clearing, but everything was back to the way it was, with one noticeable exception. The body of the high king was missing. He looked around some more but was gone.

“it was taken up into the sky. They came down, and they took him” Noah whisper, voice hoarse, stroking his fur.

Julian felt like he was whole again as Noah voice sank deep into his soul. He felt his whole frame shake as his now humongous wolf hit the ground. The earth shook for a few seconds before it stopped and Julian started to shift back into his human for. He didn’t have any choice. His body and mind were exhausted.

He felt Noah's fingers glide through his hair and he merged himself fully with his mate. Revelling in the feeling. He felt his equilibrium right itself again as he and his wolf soaked in their essence. He closed his eyes and let himself into Noah's eyes.

He could see himself  lying on the ground, pale as a sheet, panting for breath and eyes closed. Blood covered the whole of his naked body and some injuries were still healing. It seemed that the change in his wolf, carried through to his human form cause his brown hair now had a wide white stripe down the middle that was longer than his brown hair.

“Shh, it’s okay. You rest up Julian” Noah continued to stroke his hair. He was way too wasted to move any body part not to talk of talking to his mate so he sent his question directly into Noah's mind.

Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? Even in his mind, his voice was slurred with tiredness.

I’m fine Julian. You need to rest. Don’t worry, I’ll keep the link open. He smiled to himself as he relinquished the link over to Noah. Now instead of being the one holding himself inside Noah, Noah was the one doing it.

Just as he was he was about to fall into unconsciousness, a vicious black wolf leapt into the clearing. Julian tried to move to defend Noah, but Noah had already shifted into a wolf very similar to the alpha king. The only exception, he had a  strip of deep brown fur down his back to the tip of tail that was longer than the rest of the fur on his body. The last thing Julian saw before he passed out was Noah lunging for the obviously deranged black wolf.

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