Chapter 22

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With Noah's hands firmly clasped in his, they moved through the trees till they got to Julian's favourite clearing. There was a small pond at the edge of it and when the sun was out, like today, it glisten off the pebbles in the bottom.

Coming to a stop, he pulled Noah flush against him, pushed him against a tree and pressed his lips against his mates. He growled low in his throat at the feel of Noah's lips. Soft, feather light. Like rose petals. He liked and nibbled on Noah's bottom lip and he immediately open his mouth. Deepening the kiss, Julian grabbed Noah's arse and hoisted him up so he wrap his legs around his waist. The action brought their painfully erect members against each other, eliciting a sweet moan from Noah had him ripping his lips away from Julian.

Taking the opportunity, Julian dragged his lips from Noah's ear down to his collar bone and up again. He repeated the process but placed open mouthed kisses at intervals. When he was close to a mark, he would stop and swirl his tongue around it, before suckling it.  Noah moaned loudly and ground his hard on against his mate.

when Julian’s lips made its journey back to Noah's ears again, his canines dropped and he san his teeth into the soft flesh just under his jaws. he felt Noah's body shudder, his back arched off the tree and he was rubbing his erection against Julian as his orgasm rocked his body.

Julian smiled and started to such on the warm blood. It tasted like Noah and he was drunk on it. he felt Noah nuzzle his neck as his pleasure started to build again. he was panting and his hot breath was fanning Julian’s neck. it just urged him on and he sucked harder. he smiled his feisty little mate let out a loud moan, but the smile was soon replace by a growl of pleasure as Noah's teeth sank into his flesh.

His body shuddered at the force of his orgasm and he saw white. He bit down harder on Noah and moaned as he felt him come again. They both pulled away simultaneously and licked the twin punctures that had created on each other’s neck.

“Julian, I want you” Noah moan leaning down again and capturing Julian lips. Julian immediately responded. he pulled Noah off the tree and without breaking the kiss, lay him down on the ground. He made quick work both their cloths before pulling away from Noah to look down at him. His mate let out a tiny mewl then tried to pull Julian back down to him. Julian smiled then grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head.

“Julian” Noah whimpered, arching his back, trying to get as close to Julian as possible. Leaning down, Julian captured his pink swollen lips in a smouldering kiss. With his free hand he took Noah's weeping member in his hand and stroked him from root to tip. “Juliann!” Noah's back arched clear off the floor and he started to buck his hips. Julian brought his upper half down on Noah keeping him from moving and smiled when Noah whimpered and rolled his head from side to side, his eyes firmly shut.

“Noah, look at me” he whispered in his ear, low and husky. He felt Noah's body tremble at the sound of his voice. He felt it through the link. It was like he could feel Noah's pleasures as his own and it was addictive. “I want to see your eyes when you come for me” he whispered again biting down on his lush earlobe before sucking on it.

“Julian. I-I’m close” Noah whimpered. Julian looked up and into the sky blue eyes of his mate, clouded with pleasure so high he had lost himself. Julian increased his strokes on Noah's now weeping appendage and smiled with satisfaction as Noah came all over his hands.

Without hesitation, he coated his fingers with the cum and flipped Noah over so his arse was in the air.

“Nice view” he whispered before kissing each check lovingly. he heard Noah mumble something incoherent as he slipped two of his fingers into him at once.

“Julian. Oh my God!” he couldn’t help but smile at how much more vocal Noah was becoming. He could feel Noah reaching his peak again but he wanted them to come together this time, so he pulled both his finger out and massaged his cheek with one hand as he aligned his throbbing member with his mates pulsing hole. In one swift movement, he buried himself to the hilt. He didn’t have to wait long before Noah was pushing his arse against him trying to get him to move and he obliged.

he pulled himself out almost completely before slamming black in. he knew he hit  Noah's spot when he let out a loud moan and begged him to do it again. So he did. He pulled out and slammed into his mate again and again. Noah was a moan mess under him and he smiled at the sheen of sweat that coated his mate and made his marble white skin flush red.

“Julian. I’m gon...” his words were cut off as Julian slammed into him one more time. his mouth opened in a silent kiss and his body shuddered. His arse squeezed Julian as he shot his seed on the ground. Julian was right behind him as he let out a low growl and released himself inside his mate.

He slowly pulled out of Noah before gathering him in his arms and laying on the ground together. He nuzzled Noah’s neck before he turned around and stroked his cheeks. he looked down into Noah's sky blue eyes and couldn’t help but think that everything was perfect.

“Julian?” Noah whispered still stroking his cheeks.

“Mhnn?” Julian answered nuzzling him.

“I think you broke me”

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