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“Noah, come on. We’re going to be late” Julian sighed for what had to be the hundredth time. His adorable little mate was sat on the love seat, their little Christen squirming in his arms.

Christen was the son of the alpha of the Blue Moon pack. his dad was killed during the attack at Moonblood and his mother was killed during an imbues when the women were being moved to safety. They had rescued christen, then he was just weeks old and wouldn’t stop crying. he couldn’t even keep anything in his stomach. but when Julian and Noah ad stepped up to him and lifted him to their arms, his cries stopped, when they fed him, he ate. when they put him down for the other women to look after, his fussing would resume again so they decided to just take him as their own. Julian mum sometimes looked after him but the little guy knew who his parents were, even though they weren’t blood.

“I don’t want to. Julian you know I’m not good around people” Noah mumbled, bringing christen closer to him so his voice was muffled.

Julian could see the genuine discomfort at the prospect of going to school. Although when he was first presented with the idea he ha smiled to widely and giggled. He them grabbed christen from his crib and danced around the room with him for close to n hour. He smiled once again as he replayed the memory in his mind.

“I promise I won’t leave your side for one moment and you’ll fit in, in no time at all” Julian cooed at his mate they way they cooed to christen some nights to get him to sleep. “Come on baby” he took Christen from Noah and put him in his crib. he watched as their little man snuggled into the softness of the crib before turning back to Noah. “Come on” he smiled taking Noah's hand and pulling him to his feet.

Noah stood and wrapped his arms around Julian snuggling into the crook of his neck and taking in a lung full of his scent that was now seriously mixed in with Noah's.

“if we can stay home today, I promise we can spend the whole day in bed” Noah whispered, his voice low and husky. Julian felt a shiver run up his spine and suddenly felt like stay in home.

“Noah” Julian moan, tightening his arms around his mate before pulling back slightly and looking into Noah's own clear light blue eyes.

They had come so far from when they first met. Now they were both royalty with a child to rise. he smile when he remembered the day after they were sworn in. there so many wolves and human in and around the pack house, and they were both so frustrated, that they had snuck out one night and spent the night and their clearing.  a few days later, one of the wolves had accidentally pushed Noah down the stairs and Julian went mental and chased everyone away.

Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on Noah's lips. He felt his mates surprise at the gentleness shimmer through the link and smiled before pulling away.

“come on sweetie, lets get this out of the way so we can spend the rest of the day in bed” he smiled before pulling Noah about the door and toward the jeep that was waiting. Ava was already in the back seat and Sam was making out with Nick on the hood of the jeep. They were dangerously close to having sex on the car and Julian just couldn’t have that. if he wasn’t getting some, no one was. And especially not on his car.

“Get a room!” Noah shrieked with a laugh as they walked by. the both jumped apart and looked around as if only just noticing what was happening.

nick was another one of the  wonders that took place recently. he was the son of one of the court members that came to demand that the pack should move to the summit instead of relocating the summit. he was enraged to find that his son was mated to the beta. at first Sam had resisted but ended up falling so far, he didn’t even want to find his way out.

“Get in, were gonna be late” Julian smacked Sam over the head a she jumped into the drivers seat and pulled out of the drive way.

He couldn't wait till the end of the day when he could cuddle up on his bed with the two most beautiful creatures in the world.

His son and his mate.

His world. 

The end.

wow. i fifnished a whole book. thank you guys for sticking with me for so long and i hope that you stick with through my other books. thanks and enjoy. 

for the final time, 


Wolf Boy (BoyxBoy)(slash)Where stories live. Discover now