chapter 19

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Hissing a growl, Julian shifted into his much smaller wolf and gave chase. It was easy to follow them. The alpha king’s wolf was so big, it knocked trees askew and made very clear path. He could feel Noah fall deeper and deeper into unconsciousness and fuelled him to move faster. He ran straight into clearing that he didn’t know was there to find that he had stopped and had turned to face him, Noah still clutched in his jaws.

“Do you really think you can win against me?” he put Noah’s limp body down as his wolf spoke out with a human voice. It was so frightening, all the creatures of the forest scrambled for safety and for a moment, Julian felt like doing just that. The voice demanded that all heel before him.

Frankly, I don’t hive two shits. Noah is my mat and you have no right to take him from me!

“Am I supposed to care about that boy?” he snarled at Julian’s much smaller wolf. “I have waited almost a hundred years for someone I can with and you want me to believe that he would rather with a mere immortal than a God like me?” when he finished he put one of his large paws down on Noah's abdomen a little too harsh and his body jerked off the floor, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth.

Julian saw red.

His wolf released a growl so ferocious, it was right up there with the alpha king’s. He felt is blood boil and the familiar crunching of the bones as they snapped and reformed. He didn’t even have time to notice that he was already in wolf form but he was shifting. His deep brown wolf lunged at the high King and before he register what was going on, he clamped his jaws down on his throat and slammed his massive body into the ground. Successfully pulling him off Noah.

As he turned to Noah to check on him, he noticed the changes to his wolf form.  His wolf was now the same impressive height as the alpha king. He noted the added strength to his legs. He would wager that he could run to Mexico and wouldn’t break a sweat. He twisted his body to take a better look and noticed that the fur on his tail was a lot longer and there was a white stripe down the middle of it. Rolling his eyes, he could see that the strip all the way down his body and to his head.

The air shifted just as a blur of white came barrelling into his side. He let out a howl of pain as powerful jaws clamped down on his jaguar and pushing him back till he was slammed into a huge tree. He heard the sickening snap of bone as one of his ribs broke and dug into his stomach.

Ignoring the pain, he twisted around, trying to bite into any part of him, but he just kept twisting away and taking Julian with him. Finally, his teeth clamped around one of his front foots and he bit down, crushing the bone and drawing a yelp from the high king. He immediately let go of his hold on Julian and limped away from him, licking the wound.

“you just singed your death sentence boy” Julian snarled and launched himself at the high king again. They attached each other with such ferociousness, that they drowned out the sound of the battle back at the pack house. Their growls filled the air and in the back of his mind, Julian felt Noah stir.

He immediately pulled away to stand in front of Noah's awakening body.  Panting and snarling as the high king circled him, both of them covered in blood and multiple bite wounds that were healing at an incredible pace.

“Why do you want him so much” Julian asked, making sure to keep his eyes on the circling wolf while simultaneously shielding his mate.

“The title of the high king can only be passed on to someone who possess the blood of the moon people. Yes all wolves possess it to an extent, however for you to take on the title, you have to have a very, very concentrated version of it. Just like him. Once I break the bond both of you have formed, I can crown him as my mate and dare fore pass the title down to him” he finished lunging at Julian in the same breath and knocking him on his back, a few paces away from Noah's still unconscious form.

He pinned Julian on his back and brought his paws down on his ribs, smiling to himself as he heard the crunch of breaking bones. Julian’s howls filled the air as he tried to twist away from him. He only succeeded in making it worse and he brought his paws down again. Before he could press down however, Julian twisted around, knocking him off him and limping towards Noah. He lifted his front paw so as not to put too much pressure on his broken ribs. Already, he could feel the bones reknitting themselves.

“I don’t understand you. I though being the high king was a privilege!” he tried to keep him talking, giving him enough time for his ribs to finish healing.

“Privilege?” the high king gave a short laugh. “Please. Don’t make me laugh. I couldn’t even play with the other children, I wasn’t even allowed to mate with my mate, so I could keep the blood line clean. So I could rule forever. Alone.  You know wolf only mates once. Well mine Is dead. She dies half a century ago, because I wasn’t allowed to go to her. She was beneath me. Do expect me to sit here and watch you be happy while my Lissianna is dead?”

He lunged at Julian again but his rage made him careless. He left himself wide open and Julian clamped down on his throat, gave a powerful jerk and separated his head from his neck.

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