chapter 23

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Chapter 23

It’s been two days since the fight with the members of the high court. Julian and Noah got back from their little adventure in the wood to an empty house. The following morning at breakfast, the two members of the court that Julian and Noah attacked joined them for breakfast. Both Julian and Noah had bared their fangs at them, shifting closer to each other.

After they had both calmed down enough, the listened to what he had to say. The high court had indeed agreed to recognize both boys as the high kings. They were both shock and a bit reserved.

“Of course the court will remain with you as your government and advisors. We will deal with business in your absence” Julian smiled as the plot clicked into his head.

“No!” Noah replied before he could. They were sat in the love seat with Noah’s face buried in the crook all through the conversation, till just now. His eyes were a glassy white that he now come to recognize as Noah's wolf. “We don’t want you. If the title comes with you and your court, we don’t want it” he barred his fangs at the two men.

“But how we have a high kings without court advisors. It’s unheard of!” Julian could see defiance creeping into the fat old man’s eyes so let out a low growl that rumbled around the room and pulled Noah closer into him. Both men shifted further into their seats away from the menacing aura that both Julian and Noah were giving off. “Um , well, I think something could be arranged”

After that, the meeting went as smoothly as possible. Whenever they disagreed, Julian would let out a low growl that would have both men agreeing with him immediately. Noah spoke up more in the meeting, expressing his great dislike for the court. he could feel his father’s proud gaze all through the meeting.

You boys will make great Alphas one day. Julian's dad projected to both boys as they left the room after the meeting. They had stopped and smiled in thanks before walking out.

Later that night, while snuggled up and ready for bed, Julian brought up the through that had been in the back of his mind since he woke in his room back at home.

“Noah?” he asked stroking the white and brown hair that he loved so much. His mates legs were draped over his waist and his arms were wrapped around his torso with his head resting on Julian's chest.

“Mhnn?” he answered, rubbing circles into his chest. Noah was coming further out  of his shell and it made Julian so happy. He even spoke to the pack members now, although he was still shy around them and he growled every time he saw a member of the court, most of whom were still hanging around. Some of them left right after the meeting, to go and inform the other packs of the new development.

“What happened? You know back at Moonblood? I passed out right after the fight but I saw another wolf.  Did you..” Julian trailed off at the thought of Noah fighting. He knew that Noah could defend them if either of them were ever in danger, but he could bear to think of what I would do him if he had to kill someone.

“Yeah. it was Alpha Dacio. He shifted back after I ... you know” Julian nodded and continued to stroke his hair. “He was the one behind the attack at the pack. He had been gathering most of the rouges he could find, he fed false lines and they believe him. There were too many of them so your dad had to call on Blue Moon pack for help” Julian couldn’t help but sigh at some people’s stupidity.

“He really wanted you huh?” he rubbed Noah's back lost in his thought. When he felt Noah shake against him, he look down to find his mate sobbing uncontrollably against him. “Noah, wha...” he didn’t get to finish the sentence as he was plunged into Noah's memories.

He was in the clearing back at the Moonblood pack. He could see his body lying unconscious and covered in blood and he could also Noah's massive wolf standing protectively over his body. His wolf was magnificent. Still the same impressive size as Julian’s only slightly smaller. The black wolf was standing at the edge of the tree line and growling at Noah's wolf.

Julian could see the images that the black wolf was projecting into Noah's mind seeing as he was in Noah's mind. The sight of them made him want to heave. Images of Noah back in the dungeon at the house back at Moonblood assaulted his senses. He was stripped naked and chained to the wall back in the same cell he was found.  he was screaming from the pain of his injuries, bleeding and crying. the image of Alpha Dacio’s taunting face floated into the images as he yanked Noah's head from the wall and forced his lips against his in a brutal kiss. his hands roaming his bloodied body.  

“STOP!!” Julian roared ripping himself out of Noah's memories. his wolf was at the surface, his claws and canines extended and his eyes we black orbs.

Julian’s parents as well as Sam and Ava burst into the room ready to fight. he could smell them but he couldn’t see them. his eyes were glazed over with bloodlust. he wanted to find Dacio’s dead body and mutilate it. chop him into tiny pieces that could be would be easily blown away by the wind. he growled low in his throat and started for the door, when he felt Noah arms on his and his essence seep into him.

“Its fine. He okay. You guys can go back to bed. I’ll calm him down” Noah reassured his paren. in some tiny part of his brain, he and his wolf registered the fact that would indeed make a great alpha. he felt his family leave the room and shut the door softly behind them.

“Baby?” Noah cooed at him stroking his chest. he was still poised to attack, but he immediately turned into Noah's soft voice. his wolf was still at the surface but the soft strokes of Noah's warm hand was slowly calming both of them.

when he felt completely recede into him, he pulled Noah in for a searing kiss. He immediately opened his mouth to let Julian in. The kiss quickly became hot as Julian pushed Noah back down onto the bed and laid himself over him. Noah wrapped his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck as they pulled away from each other’s lips.

“You okay now?” Noah whispered, stroking his hair. Julian nodded burrowing into Noah's neck and took in a lung full of his scent. he merged himself fully with Noah and sighed at the closeness.

he wanted to wipe away every memory of Alpha Dacio in Noah’s mind and replace it with good memories. He knew he could so he settle for promising that nothing would ever hurt him ever again.



I love you. he felt Noah's smile shimmer through him and sighed at the feeling.

I love you too Julian.

hey guys, i was planning on ending teh book here but if you guys want an epilouge can you comment please. i'll be more than happy to oblige. 


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