Chapter 16

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"Boys, can I speak to the both of you, when you're done with your lunch? I'll be in the office. Have Sam show you the way after" Julian's dad said, kissing his wife before smiling at Julian and Noah then heading to said office.

Julian knew what his dad wanted to talk about. They haven't had a chance to talk since they came back and Julian wasn't in the least bit sorry about that. He felt Noah's uneasiness wash over him and he turned to Noah. Reaching out, he ran his fingers through his white hair and watched as he settled down, his eye lids drooping a little. Julian felt his uneasiness replaced by calm tranquillity.

"You guys are so in tune to each other. I'm kinda jealous" he looked away from Noah to see everyone at the table nodding. He just smiled, shrugging his shoulders he went back to his meal.

"This is the place" Sam said motioning to the door they were standing in front of. They finished their dinner more than an hour ago, but had stayed behind to chat to people. Even people from the Moonblood pack came in and apologised to Noah for not having noticed he was in there. Although Julian knew that even if they knew Noah was in there, they wouldn't have helped because no one would go against their alpha.

One old woman did catch his attention though. She came in to speak to his mother and when she saw Noah, she immediately dropped to the floor and started kissing his feet and calling him "his royal majesty". It made everyone laugh but it made Noah very uncomfortable. In the end, he made everyone shut up with the push of his wolf in his voice and his mother had lead the woman into the kitchen to talk.

"Thanks Sam" he clamped down on his beta's shoulder in thanks before wrapping his arms around his mate and pushing the door open. "Dad?" Julian asked, pulling Noah in with him before closing the door.

"Come in boys" his dad said from his place behind a mahogany table. "How are you feeling Noah?" his dad asked as they took a seat opposite him, hands still clasped together.

"F-fine" he answered, his nervousness pouring over the link, washing over Julian and in turn making him slightly nervous. He gripped Noah's hands tighter and sent him a smile.

"No need to be nervous son. You're practically family now!" Julian's dad smiled as he took in their clasped hands. "Now down to business". He shuffled some papers on the desk before turning back to them.

"Noah as you know, Julian and I went to the summit a few days ago to meet the high king and his court. We requested for Alpha Dacio as well as his beta and the wolves who ran with him to be branded as rogues, therefore giving us permission to kill should he be found" Noah nodded his head, his nerves easing. "well I just got the letter and the request was put through, tomorrow, I will be sending out a search party to sniff them out" Julian gave a sigh relief at his dads words. Its not that he was nervous, torturing someone was a great crime amongst werewolves and not one that was taken lightly. "However..." he gave a little pause that that had both boys shifting in their chairs. "The high king and some of his court will be coming to the pack house in a few days to see you guys. curious...when we described your features to them" he nodded to Noah.

"W-HY? Did I do something wrong?" Noah asked, gripping Julian arms tighter. Julian could feel Noah's nervousness take a spike and he got out from his seat and stood behind him so he could massage his shoulders. His dad's gaze softened as he looked at them.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, Noah. They just found your features to be very interesting and wanted to make sure of something for themselves. They will only be staying in the pack for two days and one night" his words seemed to have calmed Noah down to an extent but Julian kept stroking his shoulders as he listened to his dad talk. "I just wanted to let you guys know, I have informed the rest of the pack and arrangements are being made to better accommodate them. We will carry on with the joining of the packs after their visit. The members of the Moonblood pack will be moving into the midnight pack for the beginning of the next semester so the students can better fit in"

"Do you need me to sign some things or look at anything?" Julian asked still stroking Noah's shoulders.

"I will need you to sign some papers but not yet. I'll give you a ring when I need you" his dad replied. "That's it boys enjoy the rest of your day" he smiled at them before turning back to his as the boys made their way from the office.

"Do you want to go out?" Julian asked as they reached the bottom of the steps. Looking at the time, they still had more than a few hours before the stores start to close.

"Out to where?" Noah asked, cocking his head to the side and looking at Julian.

"Outside. To the shop, you know go shopping, sightseeing" Julian smiled and wrapped his arms around Noah's waist, pulling him closer and burrowing into his neck. He felt the rumble of curiosity in Noah through their link and closed his eyes at the feeling. He loved that he could feel what Noah felt, and if he wished, he could even see through Noah's eyes.

"I-I'd like that" Noah whispered and Julian chuckled. Straightening up e ran his fingers through Noah's hair and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Let's go get changed and we'll go" he smiled and pecked him again, before going to the car to grab the bags of cloths that he brought.

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