Chapter 10

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It's been a week now since Noah woke up and they were currently sat together on the bed – as far away from each other as the bed allowed – eating breakfast and watching television. Noah was still very shy around Julian especially today. He seemed embarrassed at how he had crawled into Julian's lap the day before. Julia seriously didn't mind, in fact Julian loved it.

It was Friday and Julian was expecting his sister and mother to arrive either later today or early tomorrow.  Either way Julian had to let Noah know that he was about to be mauled. Sneaking a peak at Noah, he turned back to the television and smiled to himself. Yeah, Noah was definitely going to freak when they arrived. Knowing his sister, she would fly up here and demand a hug from Noah. That was why he asked Sam to let him know immediately they arrived.

"Noah?" Julian scooted closer to his mate who in turn scooted further away before turning to face him, a slight blush on his face.

"My mum and sister are coming up here from our pack this weekend. Will it be okay if you met them?" Julian watched his reaction closely, hoping that he would say yes. When he flinched, Julian felt his heart squeeze. "It's okay baby, they're as nice as me and would never hurt you" Julian quickly moved to comfort his mate who was now playing with the end of his shirt and biting his lips, with his chin touching his chest.

"I promise they won't hurt you" Julian scooted closer to him and picked up his chin. Noah's pale blue eyes seemed to sparkle as Julian's fingers touch him. His small intake of breath also didn't escape Julian's notice.

"Would you meet them?"Julian asked again, pushing his face closer to Noah, who was now very close to panting.  His slight nod was the only indication that he heard what Julian had asked as he licked his lips in anticipation.

Julian's blood boiled as he brought his lips down on Noah's, drawing a whimper from his. The kiss was slow and sweet unlike their first one. Julian trailed his fingers from his chin to the back of his neck bringing him closer as the kiss deepened. Noah whimpered and drew himself even closer to Julian and wrapped his arms around Julian's neck as Julian's other hand came to rest at the base of his back.

When their lips parted, the scent of Noah's arousal drifted up to tease Julian and he growled as Noah once again crawled into his lap. His little mate was feisty. Julian smiled as Noah pressed his lips to Julian's. This time the kiss was heated and passionate. Julian bit Noah's bottom asking for entrance and simultaneously drawing a whimper from his little mate. Noah's mouth immediately opened his mouth and his little pink tongue sneaked out to meet Julian's.

They kissed passionately for a while longer, both fighting for dominance, although Noah was obviously losing with every whimper. By the time they pulled apart again, Noah was pressed flush against Julian, his whole face flushed and his breathing labored. The scent of arousal was thick in the air and Julian wanted nothing but to continue, but the look of insecurity in Noah's eyes and how uncomfortable he suddenly became was enough to make him stop.

Julian quickly lifted Noah's chin so he was looking at him and dropped a light kiss to his lips. The shocked look on Noah's face made Julian smile. He quickly wrapped his arms around Noah and nuzzled his neck.

"Shh, it's okay. There's no need to be shy. You can kiss me any time you want" Julian said smiling up at Noah who was still a little shocked and red.

"B...But when I do that, w...when we kiss, I ...get a..." he was nervous and getting even redder. Julian knew what he was trying to say and gave him another light peck on the lips.

"That's okay as well" Julian smiled pulling away from him, finally Noah gave him a smile that just made him want to carry on where they left off. "I like kissing you and I feel the same way when I kiss you" Julian smiled looking into his light blue eyes that widened a little at Julian's words.

"I....I like k...kissing you too" Noah smiled at him and Julian soared. Growling low in his throat, Julian brought their lips together again and this time the kiss remained sweet till Sam's voice rang out in his head. He slowly pulled away from Noah and pecked his lips.

Julian they're here.

Julian ran his fingers through Noah's white hair as he hesitantly rested his head on Julian's shoulders. They arrived earlier than expected. It was only about noon, which would mean that Ava skipped school. That was just like his sister, he smiled to himself.

Don't send them up yet. We might come down but no one comes up here. Julian felt Sam's mental nod through the link.

"Noah?" Julian whispered as he continued to stroke Noah's hair.

"Hmm?" Noah answered. He was still sat in Julian's lap, his arms and legs wrapped around Julian's waist and his face buried in his neck. Right now, Julian couldn't possibly be happier.

"They're here. Do you want to go down and meet them now?" Noah slowly brought his face out of Julian's neck and bit his lip, nervous. Because his arms were still wrapped around Julian's waist, he played with the end of Julian's shirt before giving him a shy nod.

"Thank you baby" Julian smiled before pecking him on the lips again. 

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