Chapter 9

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I have a feeling that the end of this chapter is anticlimactic. Please comment and tell me what you think.


Julian was on cloud nine. His head swam as he moved his lips against Noah's. He was careful not to be too forceful, so he didn't scare his mate, but it seemed that Noah had other ideas. He pushed his palm against Julian's shirt, moaned, and then proceeded to press himself flush against Julian's body to deepen the kiss.

Julian's member gave a little jump, as a growl escaped. He dipped his tongue into Noah's open mouth and took control of the kiss. He wrapped his arms around his bare chested mated and backed up against the wall. Julian ran his fingers down his back and felt him shiver against him. When Julian grabbed his arse and pressed both their erections together, Noah ripped his lips away from Julian and clung onto his shoulders as he moaned out loud. Julian couldn't help the smile on his face at his mate's reaction.

However, the smile was soon replaced with a pleasure filled growl as Noah started to grind his pelvis against Julian's. His face buried in the crook of his neck as he tried to get even closer to Julian. Julian tightened his hold on his arse and dragged his lips back to Noah's as they kissed and ground against each other. Julian felt Noah shiver as he called his name and came against him.

"N...Noah?" Julian asked as his mate's prolonged silence started to worry him.

"I...I'm so sorry!" He suddenly cried pushing away from Julian, tears pooling in his eyes, "I didn't mean to, b...but-" His tears began to flow and his words became inaudible. Maybe they shouldn't have gone so far, but he was happy that he was able to bring his mate such pleasure that they would forget themselves.

"Shh. It's okay. I don't mind. I kissed you remember?" He asked walking forward and picking up his chin again, trying to reassure his frail looking mate that he wasn't upset. Even though all of his scars had disappeared, his body was still very tender and sore. Noah gave him an uncertain nod as he tried to stifle his tears. "Good, now go take that bath before the water gets cold," he smiled.

Julian took a deep breath as Noah closed the door behind him. Just a few second more, and he would have joined him. He lay back on the bed and couldn't help smiling at how feisty Noah was. He really couldn't wait 'till he was better and they could mate properly.

"Julian?" He heard his mates hushed and uncertain voice from the doorway of the bathroom. Only his head was poking out of the door. "I don't have anything to wear," he said, biting his lips in a way that made Julian want to kiss him again. Especially if he'd react like he did earlier.

"Oh here," Julian snapped out of his thoughts and went to the closet. He had yet to unpack his things so they were still in a duffle bag. He shifted through it until he found a pair of his pajamas and brought to Noah. Even though it was barely afternoon, Julian had a feeling that Noah would fall asleep so quickly that he wouldn't have time to change clothes. Noah gave him a small smile, as he took the clothes and closed the door.

Julian smiled as he turned back to the duffle bag and brought out a track suit bottom for himself. Just as he closed the closet, Noah stepped out of the bathroom. Hs hair was damp and his breath was shallow. Hi slips were still swollen from their kissing, and very pink from the hot bath. Julian wanted to kiss him again so bad.

Julian was very happy to see Noah in his cloths, he couldn't help but smile. Even though Noah wasn't small, Julian's clothes still somehow managed to swamp him. It made him look so adorable.

" you want to watch TV while I take a bath?"

"I can?" Noah asked, with curious eyes. He was playing with the end of the pajama shirt like a nervous child. Julian really should be used to his reaction now, but it never failed to bring a smile to his lips.

"Yeah, here let me switch it on. You take a seat on the bed," Julian watched his reaction closely, as he switched on the television. Noah's eyes widened until they were huge orbs of light blue. They actually electrified him. Trying to calm his body, he showed Noah how to operate the TV and quickly shut himself in the bathroom. Gods I have it bad.

It was the middle of the afternoon, Noah and Julian were sat on the bed, as far away from each other as the bed allowed, watching television. Noah kept sneaking peaks at him, in between watching TV and eating the sandwiches Julian made. Julian still remembered the look on Noah face when he stepped out of the shower. It made him want to step right back into the bathroom and take a cold one.

Julian, the cleaners are coming to clean the house and remove all the medical equipment from your room. They have to go back to the pack hospital. Sam, Julian's beta linked him. It made Julian look around the room. He had been so preoccupied with Noah that he didn't even notice that all the hospital equipments were still in the room. The heart monitor, the drip thing, and lots of other things he didn't even recognize.

Give us a minute. Julian didn't know how Noah would react to meeting other people just yet. He was still jumpy around him and he didn't want to chance losing all the ground he'd recently gained with him.

"Noah?" Noah jumped a little and turned red, embarrassed at being caught staring. "There are some people coming up here..." Julian trailed off as fear jumped into his eyes and he made himself smaller. "Hey, it's okay. They're just coming in for a few minutes to take away all these things and they'll be gone" Julian tried to sooth him as he made himself even smaller.

The door was suddenly pushed open and a short stout woman walked in talking to someone behind her. Julian let out a feral growl as Noah let out a petrified whimper and crawled into Julian lap burying his face in his shoulders. Julian immediately wrapped his arms around his shaking mate while glaring and growling at the women.

They were members of the Moonblood pack. They had to be. No member of his pack would dare come up her without his permission after he told them to give him a few minutes.

"W...We're so sorry. We thought you were notified" the woman shuffled her feet and fear poured off her.

"Hurry up" Julian bit out as he rubbed Noah back trying to sooth his shaking form. Noah just clung onto him and burrowed into his shoulders. The two women hurriedly cleared the room of all the hospital equipment and closed the door behind them with an apologetic look.

"Noah? They're gone," Julian whispered shaking Noah who still clung onto him. "Noah?" Julian shook him one more time till he then realized that his mate was fast asleep. Julian couldn't help but smile at himself before lying back on the bed taking Noah with him. He ran his fingers through Noah's hair and smile at himself.

Oh yeah. I have it bad.

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