Chapter 11

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Julian was nervous and Julian was rarely nervous. He was currently standing at the top of the stairs with a trembling Noah clutching his hands in a death grip behind him. 

"its going to be okay. they're going to love you". Julian whispered stroking Noah's checks with a smile. Noah gave him a hesitant nod before moving into his arms and taking a deep breath of Julian's scent. if he could, Julian would have flown in that instance. "okay, come meet everyone", Julian smiled.

As they walked down the stairs hand in hand, Julian could smell his mother and sister's scent surround by a jumble of other scents. his heart beat was wild in his chest and he felt Noah move closer to  to his person. Julian sigh softly as he shifted closer to him. right now, Noah wasn't the only one who needed the reassurance. with his arms around Noah's thin but muscled waist, he breathed in his spring rose scent. 

" ready?" Julian asked Noah once more, giving him time to back out. instead Noah just moved closer to him and nodded.

The whole room became quiet as the duo stepped in.  Noah became even more nervous as all eyes turned to look at them, he scooted close so his chest was plastered against Julian's back.  if they were upstairs, Julian would be growling from how good he felt.

"Julian!" he Heard his mum squeal as she made her way through the crowd of people and engulfed him in a tight hug. it was a little awkward as Noah was still plaster to his back and still held his hand.  "oh you must be his m-"

"mum!" Julia quickly cut her off with a look. he still hadn't  told Noah yet and he didn't want to loose all the progress he has already made.

"oh I'm sorry. I'm Carla, nice to meet you" Julian's mum smiled at Noah who was hiding behind Julian, before motioning behind herself to reveal a smiling Ava. "this is my daughter, Ava".

"don't worry, baby, they won't hurt you" Julian  smiled down at him. his sky blue eyes stared at Julian for a few seconds before he turned to Julian's mum and sister giving them a shy smile.

"Hi" he whispered like a child.

"hi there, I'm Ava, what's your name?" Ava smiled at him more like smiled up at him seeing as he was taller than her. he was almost the same height as Julian , only a head shorter. once again,  he waited for Julian to nod at him before he turned back to Ava.

"N...Noah" he whispered shyly.

" that's such a pretty name, Noah " she smiled once again making Noah smile back at her.

As he watched his sister and mum fawn over Noah, he couldn't help but smile to himself. They were gawking at his hair and how unique it was, how attractive it was and how they wanted to touch it. How he was attractive, even more so now that all his injuries were healed. Julian couldn't help but notice how the pack members in the house stared at him in awe and some even licking their lips. he released a low growl that had everyone checking themselves and Noah cocking his head to the side to look at him. 

"You've done well for yourself son" Julian turned around to the sound of his fathers voice, even then he could still feel Noah's  gaze on him. 

"Yeah" Julian smiled, turning to see Noah's attention have returned to his mum and sister. 

"Now if don't mind, i'm going to steal my wife, I haven't seen her in two weeks!" his dad exclaimed  before scooping up his wife in his arms, giving her kiss that had Noah blushing to the root of his beautiful white hair before running up the stairs. Everyone laughed, because  they knew they wouldn't be seeing the couple for a while yet. 

"Do you want to go back up to the room?" Julian asked as he once again felt Noah's gaze trained on him. he gave Julian a shy nod before standing up. unlike his parents, Julian just took his mates pale soft hands in his and bid everyone good night. 

"You must be exhausted!" Julian smiled down at him. Julian felt tired and he wasn't the one that everyone was gathered around like a new born child. Noah once again nodded his head at Julian before quickly looking down. 

once they were in the room, Julian closed the door and gently trapped Noah between himself and the door. he took is chin in his hand raised his head so they could stare into each others eyes. 

"What's wrong? you put your head down. did they do something to you?" Julian asked him. he hated when he did that. he loved looking into Noah's eyes and when he put his head down, Julian couldn't see his eyes. 

"N...No, nobody did anything" Noah answered as he shifted slightly and looked away from Julian. 

"Then why won't you look at me?" Julian pleaded, stroking his chin softly and lowering his voice, in case he scared him.. 

"i...i...i" Noah stuttered, playing with the hem of his shirt and looking everywhere except at Julian. 

Just as Julian was about to plead with him to answer, the scent of Noah's arousal drifted up to tease his nose. a smile slowly spread across his face as he couldn't help but nuzzle his beautiful mates neck with a chuckle. he heard Noah gasp as he ran his nose along his neck and the smell off the arousal swelled. 

raising his head, Julian brought his lips down on Noah's soft one. they both quickly melted into the kiss.  Noah's arms coming up to wrap themselves around Julian's neck, drawing a moan from Julian as he sank his fingers into his hair. 

simultaneously, Julian brought his down, wrapping one around Noah's neck to deepen the kiss and the other around his waist, bringing him flush against Julian. A moan had Noah ripping his lips away from Julian's as he ground his erection against Noah's. with a low growl, they attacking each others mouths again. Julian licked and nibbled on Noah's lips asking for entrance that was quickly granted. the feel of Noah's wet tongue against his had Julian's hips bucking, once again grinding his erect against his mate. 

unable to stand it, Julian gripped Noah's arse and lifted him so that Noah's legs were wrapped around his waist, without breaking the kiss. this had them both whimpering and growling as their erection were pressed firmly against each other. 

"J...Julian" Noah whimpered as he thrust his hips forward, grinding against Julian. his voice was laden with lust and desire and Julian was drunk on it. thrusting his tongue into Noah's mouth, he sucked on his tongue, hard, while he continued to grind himself against Noah. he smiled with satisfaction as Noah's backed arched, his fingers digging into Julian's back in a way that had him moaning as his body shuddered with his orgasm. the absolute ecstasy in his voice had Julian biting back a moan as he himself came, thrusting himself against Noah.

they were both breathing heavily as they came down from their high, Noah, slumped against Julian's  shoulders and by his soft breathing, Julian could tell that his mate was fast asleep. smiling to himself, he carried Noah to the bed and lay him down. he didn't bother cleaning up, he was way too tired as he crawled into the bed, he wrapped his arms around Noah bringing him flush against his chest and promptly joined his mate in dream land.  

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