Chapter 8

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"Would you like to take a bath?" Julian asked Noah, as they ate breakfast. Julian hadn't taken a bath since he found Noah, and there was always a point when you just can't stand your own smell anymore.

For the past two days, Noah had started opening up to him more. It only the small things. He still wouldn't let Julian touch him, but he didn't flinch away when he came too close. He graced Julian with more of his smile as well.

When he fell asleep he would snuggle up to Julian, but when he woke up he would shoot out of the bed and hide back behind the curtains. Julian would always have to coax him to come out every morning. He just wasn't used to human contact.

"I can?" He asked Julian, with wide eyes. That seemed to be his standard reaction for anything that Julian asked him.

"Of course you can," Julian laughed, reaching out to brush a crumb of bread off the corner of his mouth. As he removed his hands, he saw the blush creep up Noah's abdomen and cover his face just before he turned away from Julian with a nod. Julian felt his heart squeeze at his reaction.

At least he wasn't immune to the pull.

"I'll go run the bath," Julian smiled before getting off the bed. In the bathroom, he switched on the water and added the bath soap. He breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm his body. God, what Noah did to him! He turned the water off and turned around to get Noah, but bumped into something that shuffled back with a whimper.

"S...Sorry. I just wanted to see how you did it," he apologised playing with the rope connected to the tract suit bottoms he was wearing. His face was flushed with embarrassment and his long white hair fell slightly over his bent head.

"Hey," Julian felt stupid. He reached him and picked up his chin. "There's no need to apologize," Julian smiled down at him as he awkwardly nodded.

The look in Noah's eyes set Julian on fire. He'd never been so turned on by a simple look, in his entire life. Noah stuck out his Lilith pink tongue and licked his lips. Julian's sanity flew away like a little birdie, as he dipped his head down and kissed him.

Sorry it's a bit short, but the chapters do get longer.

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