Chapter 13

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*Julian's POV*

Julian was tired. But his tiredness was completely forgotten the minute his shy mate threw his arms around his shoulders. He could feel all the tension in his body seeping away as Noah's spring rose scent wrapped its self around him.

"Did you miss me?" Julian deliberately lowered his voice as he crawled onto the bed with Noah. He ran his fingers through Noah breezy white hair and smiled at the familiar shiver that ran down his spine. Noah's eyelids drooped slightly as he nodded his head. "Yeah, I missed you too".

Leaning forwards, he ran his lips across Noah's light pink ones. Julian couldn't help but smile as Noah reached out to him and gripped his shoulders, his grip now stronger. Smiling, he closed his eyes and dove into the kiss. Noah's lips were soft and sweet as they worked with his. He ran his tongue over Noah's before trapping it with his lips and sucking it, drawing a deep moan form Noah.

Noah crawled into Julian's lap, pushing him into a sitting position and straddling him, not breaking their lip lock. With a growl, Julian ran his hands under and up Noah's shirt. When he reached his hard nipples, he flicked it hard smiling into the kiss as Noah whimpered. Reaching up with his other hands, he grasped both hard buds between his two thumbs and index fingers and tugged on it. Noah moaned out loud, ripping his lips away from Julian's and arching his back, grinding his hard-on against Julian.

Julian groaned, and literally ripped the shirt off Noah's body. He smiled at Noah's pale skin. Smooth and cool. Pristine. Julian growled and kissed along Noah's jaw, his neck, he paused to place a long, wet, open moth kiss on the crook of his neck. His canines elongated as his wolf howled at him to mark their mate but he pushed him down.

"Juliannn!" Noah whimpered and ground himself harder against Julian. Hissing, Julian dipped his head and dragged his tongue across one of Noah's nipples. Taking the hard bud between his teeth, he bit down on it hard enough to draw a moan from Noah before sucking it in his mouth.  Noah panted, digging his small nails into Julian's shirt covered back.

Julian's free hand ran down Noah's spine, making him shiver before pushing into his pants and gripping his bare arse and bringing him flush against Julian's erection. His other hand still tugging and playing with his other nipple. Squeezing his arse, Julian started to work Noah's hips, grinding their bulge together. Noah became a mess of moans and whimpers in Julian's arms as he threw his head back and whimpered some more.  

Letting go of his nipples, Julian dipped his other hand into Noah's pants and gripped his arse harder with both hands. Dragging his head back to Noah's, he stole his breath as he felt Noah's frame shake as he rode out his orgasm.

"Noah, do you want this?" Julian asked, his voice shaking as he nuzzled Noah's neck. His wolf screaming out for him to mark him.

"Julian. P-please" pulling away, Julian looked deep into Noah's hooded eyes. In a split second, his decision was made. He pushed Noah onto the bed, hooking his hands on his pants and pulling them down with his briefs as his back hit the bed. Leaning down, he covered Noah's lips in a brutal kiss as he tore his own cloths away.

Breaking away, he dragged lips across Noah's body, coming to rest at his navel. He felts his mate's body quiver as he sank his fingers into his hair. Moving lower, he dragged his tongue across Noah's throbbing manhood and smiled at the shrill moan that escaped his lips. In one movement, he took all of him in mouth as Noah's back arched off the bed and his fingers dug into Julian's scalp. Noah's hip bucked and Julian planted a hand on his torso keeping him steady while he brought two of his fingers to Noah's lips. His moaning mess of a mate opened his mouth and Julian stuck  both of  his fingers in his mouth coating it in spit. 

As he moved his mouth against Noah, he brought his spit coated hand to Noah's back entrance and rubbed it gently before sinking one finger into him. Again, Noah's back arched and Julian had to press down harder to keep his feisty little mate on the bed.

"Julian!" Noah was rolling head from side to side and whimpering and Julian couldn't stop smiling as he worked another finger into him. Noah's grip on his hair became painful but he barely noticed. As he worked his third finger in, Noah came in his mouth and he resisted the urge to remove his mouth, instead swallowing all of it. Removing his mouth from Noah's still throbbing appendage, he captured his lips in another blinding hot kiss. when he drew away from the kiss, he spit in his hand and rubbed it onto his throbbing cock making a mental note to buy some lube before  he guided himself into his mate's heat.

"Juliaaaannnnn!"Noah screamed so loud Julian was sure that he could be heard across the pack and that made him very proud. He kissed down his mates exposed throat as he waited so Noah was comfortable enough for him to move. "Julian! Julian please!" Noah whimpered grinding his hips against Julian.

 Taking that as his cue, Julian pulled back all the way and thrust back in and Noah arched off the bed. Throwing his head back, Julian let himself go as he continued to pound into Noah. His head was spinning and his vision actually blurred. Noah's body arched off the bed with the force of his orgasm and Julian was right behind him. Pushing his head into the crook of Noah's neck, he sunk his teeth into his neck and they both came again. 

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