Chapter 6

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After a while, Julian managed to coax the petrified Noah off the floor and over to the bed. He was very weak on his feet and swayed, but every time Julian wanted to help him he would shrink away from him. When he reached the bed, he made himself small and sat the corner of the bed by the headboard. It hurt Julian that he would shrink away from him but he understood why.

"Would you like something to eat?" He asked sitting opposite of him so he could stare.

"I...I can eat?" He raised his head from his arms and stared up at Julian, with such hopeful eyes.

"Yes, you can eat as much as you want," Julian smiled at him, just barely restraining himself from leaning down and kissing him. The smile he gave Julian was so wide and beautiful, Julian had thought he died and went to heaven. The blue of his eyes became lighter, the white whiter, and the dark blue fleck even darker. The side of his eyes became all crinkly and his white teeth peaked out from between his full pink lips. All of them combine hit Julian like an assault missile. He wanted to kiss him so bad then, he had to shift slightly to hide his little problem. The fact that Noah was only wearing track suit bottoms didn't do anything for Julian's sanity as well.

"Um...I'll go get us some food then," Julian managed to smile even though his brain was fried.

When he was out of the door, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. The last thing he needed was for the rest of the pack to smell his arousal. He practically ran down the stairs to the kitchen. He could see that the pack had repaired the places his wolf had damaged. There were a few people scattered around the house, most of them his pack members that his dad sent for after their first day at the Moonblood pack.

"Hey man, how is he?" His beta same came up to him, as he was making a sandwich.

"He's fine. Almost all his injuries are gone and he's a little scared of me, but aside from that he's okay," he nodded returning to the fridge. He made as much food he could in the shortest time possible. He didn't like being away from Noah for too long and his wolf completely agreed. Scooping the sunny side up and the bacon into a plate, he loaded all his findings onto a tray and with a final nod to his beta, took off up the stairs.

"I got a bit of everything. I know it's a little late, but it's still breakfast," he smiled at his mate who was waiting expectantly at the head of the bed. Julian set the food on the bed in front of his mate then returned to close the door. If Noah was this scared in front of just him, Julian couldn't imagine what his reaction would be like in front of others.

"I...I can eat all of this?" His mate asked, looking between him and the food. Julian just nodded and picked a cheese sandwich. As he chewed, his mate watched him closely as if trying to learn. It made Julian self conscious, but also very happy that he was looking at him.

Moments later, Noah picked up a sandwich just like Julian had done and bit from it, mimicking Julian's actions. After swallowing, he made a sort of whimpering sound before practically devouring the sandwich.

"Do you like it?" Julian asked, removing the plate that held two more sandwiches from the tray and pushing it closer to his mate. Noah nodded his head as his eyes darted between Julian and the sandwich. He had removed his legs from under his chin and now had both legs folded underneat him like a Buddha. "Here have some more!" Julian pushed the plate even closer to him again, and watched as he tucked into the sandwiches, a little slower this time. Julian couldn't stop the shit eating grin on his face, as he finished his sandwich.

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