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After waking up in the middle of the night and tossing and turning, I've finally given up. Throwing on some shorts, a T-shirt, and some hiking boots, I head outside into the early predawn light and stretch out my sore muscles, taking in the view as I do so.

Whistler has to be the most beautiful place on the planet, with its aqua-coloured rivers and lakes, peaked, snow-capped mountains, and alpine air. I take a deep breath of the fresh air and start heading for one of the short hiking trails. It's about 2.7 kilometres and does a small loop of the area. Perfect for a run.

And it's just what I need. Although I barely slept and am sorer than all the times I've done suicide lines combined, I'm feeling skittish for many reasons. And, for the first time, my mom doesn't top the list as one. It's what I said in front of everyone about Ems being "my girl" that's getting to my head. While Ems knows we're nothing, every guy on this trip believes we're madly in love. Last night at dinner was a bust – we should have just sat with the group so they didn't think we were trying to sneak away and spend some time together. But that's what happened – they think we sat at a different table to be alone and romantic.

I guess I could handle playing the fake boyfriend for the sake of Ems not having to deal with their immature flirting for the next couple days, though. We're never going to see this group of guys again, right?

I sigh and rub my temples as I walk to the trailhead. The feelings Ems causes are like a math problem I can't solve – every time I think I have an answer, I'm second-guessing myself and questioning my decisions. While I don't want to drag her into my life, I can't prevent myself from keeping the old feelings from rising to the surface.

And then there's the fact that she keeps inching closer and closer to me with each day that passes. I know she wants to talk. I know she wants to be more than friends. But I don't think I'm ready to do that. I don't think I'll ever be ready. Because when the conversation ignites, I know it's going to be nasty due to the fact that we're going to have to get everything out on the table.

It's because of that I'd rather keep my mouth shut and turn a blind eye to the problems we should be dealing with. I can't let her know about my mom. Ems would be devastated and disappointed. Not just in my mom for screwing the situation up even more, but also in me for being an enabler.

Panic starts to build inside of me. What am I going to do if Ems ever decides to come walking over to my house and knock on the door? What if my mom answers and she's high as a freaking kite?

It's times like these where I wish talking about the past was an easier concept to handle. But it isn't. The past is a mess of emotions and secrets.

I shake my head. Now's not a good time to be thinking about this shit. We're working. That's all I need to focus on right now. Today we mountain bike up to one of the many lookouts and I need to force myself into a better mood or else I'm going to be no good for the company.

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