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When I get home from Val's house after a delicious Spanish-themed dinner and an even better night with my best friends, I see two suitcases and a big hockey bag lying on the tile floor of the basement.

I stop, dead in my tracks, and frown. What the hell?

This scene reminds me all too much of the night Rosa, Dad, and I left for Abbotsford, and I don't like it. For some strange reason, it makes me think that in the time I was at Val's, Mom decided it would be a good idea to move. Meaning I'd have to give up all the hard work I've done with getting Hains back and go with her.

But then I shake my head. The situation is different now. For starters, I'm nineteen – an adult. I have money, a car, and a job, which all grant me the pleasure of having the option of buying my own apartment. I breathe a sigh of relief. I'd be just fine.

Mom comes around the corner that leads to the laundry room. "Emyln!" she exclaims, resting a hand over her heart. Some clothes fall from her hands. "I wasn't expecting you home so early."

I glance at the clock above the potted plant in the hallway – it's almost midnight. I wouldn't call that early, but I don't say anything because my mother is clearly frazzled. "Uh, yeah, the food that Val cooked was way too good and Hains and I ate too fast. So here I am." I gesture to the mess. "What is all this?"

Mom lets out a huff of frustrated air. "Joel has a training camp for hockey to go to in Vancouver, and, of course, we've left the packing until the last minute."

I hold back a laugh of disbelief. My mom procrastinating? Oh my God. Have pigs started to fly and no one told me about it?

I'm just about to ask her what hockey camp this is and why Joel never mentioned it to me this morning when we chatted about how we're excited to see what the Canucks are going to do this season, when there's a knock at the door behind me. I frown. Who the hell is here at this time?

I wander over and open the door, a big smile taking over my face when I see who's on the other side.

"Hains!" I say, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him inside.

He stumbles in, but the smile doesn't leave his face. "Figured you'd want your sweater and hat back – you left them at Val's."

I nudge him. "You could've brought it to work tomorrow. It's not like I was homesick for these particular items."

He shrugs, and my smile broadens – he totally wanted to see me again.

"Hello, Hainsey," my mom says.

"Evening, Mrs. Brantford," he replies like the gentleman he is.

Mom lets out a small laugh. "Please, we've known each other long enough – call me Nora."

I watch Hainsey's reaction. His bottom lip juts out a little, like he's thinking, and his brows form a small crease. He then proceeds to shoot me an amused look. I roll my eyes, knowing he's referring to the comment he made at Val's about how my mother clearly loves me or else she wouldn't have kept the skates. Hains also said that, and I quote, 'Even though she did some horrible shit, you should be thankful you have a mom that cares about you.' And I guess he's right. My mom could have decided she didn't want to settle down after the divorce and then go around hooking up with any random guy that would take her. But that's not what she did because here she is, trying to make amends.

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