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The night feels perfect, like I'm not actually Hainsey Blake Stone that's been put into a shitty situation; I'm an actual person that's out with his group of friends that are girls. Yeah, people shot me some weird-ass looks when we walked into the restaurant, probably thinking I'm some type of male whore or part of one of those groups that allow a man to have more than one wife, but I don't care. Being here with the girls and taking a small vacation from my life is just what I've needed, something that's long overdue.

Leaning back in the booth with my arm wrapped around Ems's waist, I fade off into the background, picking up on the country music that's playing, the scent of stale cigarette smoke through the open window, and the girls laughing. I'm almost fully convinced that they're joking around about me being the only one that's underage again. I've lost count of how many times it's happened and how they've gotten their point across. Earlier, Ems asked me if I wanted a sip of her margarita like I was some type of child. I mean, I know I'm not old enough to drink in Canada yet, but still. The girls are just taking every chance they can get at teasing me. Something tells me I should make a comment about how I'm not going to get wrinkles as fast as them because I'm younger. Thankfully, I have enough common sense to know that the three of them will probably combine their strength and sink me to the bottom of Lost Lake if those words make it out of my mouth – I keep my mouth shut and take the teasing.

To be honest, I love it. It reminds me of the old times.

"So this guy kept flirting with you even after Hainsey said you were his girlfriend?" Rosa gapes after taking a sip of her beer.

"Yep," Ems nods. "Hains even kissed me in front of them all and he didn't give up. Missed the message, I suppose." She stirs around the slushy drink with a straw, and then takes a small sip. "It was kind of funny, actually."

"Well," Val laughs, "have you looked in the mirror? You're no longer that girl with braces and refused to wear makeup."

After taking a sip of my ginger ale, I say, "I thought the braces were cute." I side-glance Ems. "And she definitely doesn't need makeup."

Rosa and Val sigh dreamily, and tilt their heads so they're resting against each other.

"Where can we get a guy like you, Hainsey?" Rosa says.

I want to laugh at her comment. Laugh to the point where I make myself look like a freaking psychopath. If only her and Ems knew what's really going on behind the scenes like Val does.

"You okay?" Ems murmurs in my ear.

I nod, scared that my underlying emotions are visible on my face. I'm not going to ruin the night by telling Ems and Rosa what I've been dealing with. This is the first time we've all gotten together in years – tonight is our night to have fun and relax and reminisce. I tighten my arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Yeah," I murmur back. "I'm good."

The One You Can't Forget (The One, #1)Where stories live. Discover now