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"Where are we going?" I ask.

Ems keeps her eyes on the road. "It's a surprise, birthday boy."

I roll my eyes and look out the window of her stuffy grey Honda Tuscan and breathe in some fresh air. If I had enough money, I'd take her vehicle in for her and get the air conditioning fixed like any other boyfriend would. But I don't.

I internally sigh. Thinking about how my mom forgot about my birthday this morning or that she's got a terrible addiction is going to wreck this perfect day. So I turn in my seat and watch Ems drive, taking her in, trying to memorize every detail and imprint her onto my memory. Even though we've talked it through and agreed to a long-distance relationship, there's still doubt tainting the edges. She's going to university in Ottawa and she's freaking beautiful – the guys are going to go after her. It's not that I don't trust Ems or anything; it's just that what if she becomes friends with another guy and then realizes it could be more? What if things fizzle and die between us?

I shove the thought away, dig a hole that's seven-feet deep, and bury it, watching Ems as she turns off the asphalt and onto a dirt road. I like watching her drive. And, on top of that, she's got some great taste in music.

"Quit staring at me," she says. "You're making me nervous."

I laugh and rest my hand on her thigh. "You don't get nervous."

She shoots me a glance. "Okay. You're right – I don't usually get nervous. But when it comes to you, I have no control over what happens."

Shivers go down my spine. Damn her and the way she affects me. I thought the boyfriend was supposed to come up with sayings and shit like that. But who am I kidding? She's Ems – the girl is confident and knows what she wants.

Finally, Ems pulls into a parking space. I glance out the window and I'm still lost as to where the hell we are. It's embarrassing – born and raised in Whistler, and I don't know where my girlfriend is taking me.

"Still don't know where we're going?" she teases as she stuffs the keys in her pocket.

I shake my head and undo the seatbelt before I open the door and step out. It's hot today, and I know it's bound to get hotter. If we're hiking, I'm going to be sweating like hell by the end of it. But the thing is, I don't know what we're doing. Ems has been surprisingly silent about what's to come.

"Well," she says as she grabs a backpack from the backseat. "You'll find out soon enough."

All I do is nod. There's no need for words right now because she already knows that I'm curious and have no freaking clue where we are. I also don't have any idea as to what's in the backpack she's got slung over her shoulders.

To the left of where she's parked, there's what looks to be a chain-link fence. When we get closer to it, I notice a yellow sign that says NO TRESPASSING in big, bold letters, and is bolted to one of the poles. Lichen dangling from the lower branches of the tall trees is draped over it. I also notice the opening. It doesn't look like it was legally put there. The sight makes my curiosity increase. What the hell are we doing for my nineteenth birthday?

The One You Can't Forget (The One, #1)Where stories live. Discover now