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Waking up next to Ems, naked and with her body pressed against mine doesn't seem real at first. It feels new, yet so familiar. I've woken up beside her countless times, just never after having a night like last.

As the sleep slowly fades away, memories of last night come back, making me feel content and relaxed. Her arm is thrown carelessly across my chest, legs tangled with mine beneath the sheets, and her head is resting on my shoulder, her face so close to my neck that I can feel her hot breath on my skin.

Absentmindedly, I begin to run my fingers through her tangled hair, gently working out each knot. Last night I couldn't believe what we were doing, and I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around what has happened. I had sex with the girl that's been my best friend for years, and is now my girlfriend. I study her face as she sleeps. She looks more like the fourteen-year-old girl I had frozen in my mind until the day she showed up than the stubborn, funny, grown-up woman I've gotten to know all over again.

Telling her about my mom last night was difficult – emotions were tugging me back and forth, but I eventually decided to go with it. After she touched me like she did – accident or not (I really couldn't tell if she was bullshitting me about that part) – I decided I needed to tell her before we took things to the next level. It scared me so bad my hands started to shake. But I don't regret telling her. Even if she'd reacted differently, I wouldn't regret it because it feels so damn good knowing that I'm not keeping a huge secret from her. Ems is never going to understand how thankful I am for her understanding. And the things she said? I could've burst out crying when she said we'd figure all this shit out.




It's been a long time since I've had someone by my side. Not that I'm disregarding Val – she's been my saviour for the past five years by allowing me to vent when need be. But she never offered to solve the problem with me like Ems has.

"God," she murmurs, her voice raspy with sleep. She rubs her cheek against my shoulder. "I could get used to this."

I blink and look at her. I didn't notice her wake up. Guess I was pretty lost in my thoughts.

"Me too," I grin.

For a moment, we stare at each other, and then I see her smile falter. I sigh. I should've known we'd be discussing this in further detail.

"You okay?" she whispers.

"Yeah," I say. And it's the truth. Her knowing has taken such a big weight off my chest that it feels like I can breathe normally again. "I really am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, Ems. I was scared."

"I know," she says softly. "I probably would've done the same thing if our roles were switched. So don't worry. Just worry about what we're going to do." Her face turns stern. "First thing's first: you are not going to get heroin for your mom alone anymore. I am coming with you."

The One You Can't Forget (The One, #1)Where stories live. Discover now