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I wake up with Hains' chest pressed against mine, his arm tight around my waist. For a long time, I just lie there and listen to him breathe, enjoying the feel of his body and the warmth of his breath on my forehead, the smell of his cologne – something woodsy with a hint of spice. Okay, and maybe a little bit of BO because, let's be honest here, deodorant can only do so much when you've been mountain biking like we have and when there's no access to showers. But do I care? Nope.

I begin to think about last night and my blood starts pumping a little quicker. I can't believe this is happening right now. I was so sure Hains was going to push me away for good – not take me back.

I could lay here for hours, staring at him and relishing in the feel of his arms around me, but he begins to stir. For a moment, I consider shutting my eyes and pretending to still be asleep – I'd love to see how he reacts to me being in bed with him, what he'd do and how he'd do it. But I decide against it as his eyes flicker open and he shoots a sleepy smile in my direction.

"Morning," he says, his voice gravelly with sleep.

"Morning," I whisper back, unable to stop myself from smiling.

I've got plans to say good morning in a much, much better way. A way that will put a smile on his face, but unfortunately I catch a glimpse of the time on the watch he forgot to take off last night. I'm ready to make comment about how we should really be getting up if we don't want to miss breakfast, but when I see the braided bracelet he's wearing along with the watch, I'm at a sudden loss for words.

The day I made that bracelet comes back to me, and without thinking, I reach out and trace it with the tips of my fingers. "You kept it," I whisper.

Hains looks at the bracelet. "Yeah," he says softly, "I did."

"Why?" I ask.

A moment of silence passes between us. "I couldn't part with it – it was the only thing I had left of you other than the memories," he starts. "I was mad at you for leaving, but I couldn't let it go. You and I – we've already been through so much it seemed like a waste to throw it away. So I kept it, hoping you'd come back one day." He turns to me. "You took a piece of me a long time ago, Ems, and you still have it. Don't ever give it back."

I search his eyes and catch a glimpse of the pain I caused him. "I'm so sorry for what I did," I say. "If I could go back in time and change how things went...You know I would, right?"

"Of course," he says, lacing his fingers with mine and giving my hand a good squeeze. "And you know I understand why you did what you did, right?"

I nod.

"Good," he smiles, letting go of my hand and propping himself up on his elbow. I suck in a deep breath – half his body is over mine and our legs are tangled under the warm sheets, and it's making my nerves fray one by one.

The One You Can't Forget (The One, #1)Where stories live. Discover now