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Val beats me to the hospital, and when she sees me enter, she jumps to her feet and rushes over. Ems is cradled in my arms and we're both sopping wet and covered in mud.

"What the hell happened?" she exclaims, taking us in. "Why is she unconscious?"

I push past Val. Questions are useless right now - Ems needs medical attention. Now.

"Hainsey!" she shouts, grabbing my arm. "What the hell did you do?"

"Stop it, Val!" I snap, shrugging her off. "I will answer your questions later. We need to get her some help first."

My friend glares at me, and then looks at Ems's unconscious face. "Fine," she nods. Before I can say another word, she jogs up to the front desk and demands help. The lady at the front desk follows the direction Val is pointing in, and then her mouth drops open. I guess two people coming in, soaked from the rain and covered in mud, on a night like tonight is alarming because before I know it, Ems is being whisked away to have multiple tests done. One male nurse stays behind to ask me questions, which I answer with as much detail as I can provide. Somehow, I manage to keep the drug exchange out of the conversation, but what I do tell him seems to be enough information because he gives me a nod and tells me we'll be provided with an update as soon as possible.

When the nurse leaves, Val corners me. "What the hell happened to Em?" She's pissed at me, but I can see the concern in her eyes. And she's scratching the inner skin of her wrist - something she does when she's trying to harness her emotions.

I think back to the events, replaying everything that happened. And that's when I realize the drugs are still in my pocket. I blanch; panic overtaking every part of me. If someone sees I have drugs in my possession, the police are going to be brought into this situation, and I can't let that happen. But I also know Val isn't going to let me pass until I tell her why her best friend is now behind the emergency doors of the local hospital.

Hand in my pocket, clutching the drugs like they're my lifesaver and I'm going to die if I let go, I spill everything to Val. I tell her about how frustrated I was with my mom the night I went over to Ems's house; that things got heated, but before they could go any further, I spilt the truth; that we agreed to stick together no matter what; that we had sex; how I was stupid enough to go against our agreement and how she was stupid enough to follow me. I tell her every single fucking detail about what happened in the forest with Clayton and his goons. And by the time I'm finished, I feel worse than shit. No one can even begin to fathom how terrible I feel for getting Ems into this mess.

Val looks directly at me. "Do you still have the drugs?" she whispers.

I look down at the hand in my pocket and give her a subtle nod.

She exhales and holds out her hand. "Give them to me, along with your keys. I will get the drugs to your mom and return here as soon as I can, okay? You call Rosa and Andrew - tell them to get their butts over here."

I nod, feeling exhausted. I hand over my keys and sneakily put the drugs in her purse.

"Call them," she says before exiting the building.

I sit down on one of the padded chairs. I'd rather fall asleep and wait until this is over than deal with Rosa and Andrew - they're both going to kill me if Val doesn't first. How do I tell them I'm the reason their daughter got involved with a drug dealer in the middle of nowhere?

Dialling Rosa's number is excruciating. It's like my fingers don't want to work and my brain doesn't want to recite her number. But I do.

And as I sit and wait for Rosa to pick up, I begin to think about Ems. Her name is enough to make me want to break down. I did this to her - whatever this is anyway. While I'm leaning toward the internal bleeding theory I had going on, it could be anything. I drop my face into my free hand and squeeze my eyes shut. Because of my stupid decisions, there's the possibility she could have severe injuries that could result in her demise. I can't lose her again, not after everything we've been through.

How did I ever let myself sink this low?

"Hainsey?" Rosa's voice sounds gritty, laced with sleep and exhaustion.

Part of me hates her for answering. "Rosa," I choke as a tear slips down my cheek. "Something happened to Ems."

"What are you talking about?" She sounds more alert now.

A sob that comes out of nowhere shakes my body. "Please, Rosa - you and your dad need to get over here now. I'm - we're at the hospital in Whistler."

"Hainsey," Rosa pleads. "What the hell are you talking about? What happened to my baby sister?" In the background area, I hear doors opening and slamming. I hear someone groan as if they've been woken up from a deep sleep.

I should be talking her ear off right now. I should be telling her everything that happened tonight. But I can't seem to find my words. Andrew and Rosa are like family to me - I don't want to disappoint them like I'm about to. It hurts so much, knowing that I'm the reason one of the most important people in their lives and the girl I love most in this world is fighting unknown injuries because of me and my stupid inability to stand up to my mother.

"Please," Rosa whispers after a moment.

Taking a deep breath, I start the story, letting the tears flow freely and feeling ashamed about how much of a fuck-up I really am.

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