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"Father, we cannot foster peace any longer without an agreement! To be fair, you said it yourself first,"

Odin looked down at his two sons, worry gracing his weathered face. He frowned at his youngest, Loki.

Thor didn't really understand what was going on, but he was just relieved to have finally found a peaceful home for his people. New York was, in his opinion, perfect for the job. Not only was it on his favorite realm, Midgard, it was also the place which harbored the capital of the Avengers, a team he was more than happy to be a part of.

He didn't really understand politics that much. Mostly, that was his fathers job, until he felt good enough to take over the throne that involved the more complicated issues.

And he had far more interesting things to do than to sit at council meetings and security gatherings.

"Sons, there is much you have yet to learn. The Greeks have stayed away from Asgard- an agreement and peace treaty my father, Bor, put into place," Odin looked at Loki, who had clenched his jaw, then to Thor, who was looking at him with curiosity. "The treaty has since expired, and we are now sharing the same land as the Greeks, who are considered not friend nor foe,"

"So you're suggesting we need a new contract. And I'm guessing you have one in mind?" Thor asked. Loki leaned against one of the golden pillars, crossing his arms, deep in thought. The palace had been rebuilt, as well as most of the city and all of the land surrounding it. In Thor's opinion, it looked even more magnificent, with the new technology and the new, shiny buildings.

"I have a suggestion- though I hear the close community of the Greeks may not allow it," Odin sighed. Thor didn't have the faintest idea what he was talking about, but Loki scoffed at his father.

"Surely there must be another way! Those types of deals are always risky; is they go wrong, it can end up in more than just a disagreement. A war!" Loki looked appalled, straightening up and walking slowly over to his father's side.

"A war we cannot afford, yes. However, this type of agreement is the most cemented, and if all goes right, would most likely result in a strong ally, one that Asgard strongly needs," Odin countered, reclining backwards and looking at Thor.

"What are you guys talking about? What type of 'deal' are you insisting on?" Thor looked at his father questioningly. Odin sighed, looking at Thor closely.

"A marriage,"


"No. NO! Absolutely not. I forbid it! My daughter will not be married to some Norse prince,"

Zeus looked at his brother, groaning and resting his forehead in his hand in exhaustion. Poseidon was extremely angry at the offer the Allfather had proposed, that they would marry their strongest warrior, Persephone, to their prince, Thor, as a peace offering. In Zeus' opinion, Poseidon was being a bit dramatic and over protective of his daughter.

"Uncle P, to be honest, I think we could use the Norse as an ally," Apollo offered, earning various murmurs of agreement from around the room.

"She cannot marry that fool! He isn't exactly known for his smarts," Athena pointed out. The others were shocked to hear her defend Percy, who was a child of her sworn enemy. "Our strongest needs to be ready for combat, being raised and trained as a warrior- not settling down with a male and having children," Poseidon's eyes went wide at this. Zeus was half convinced if he looked hard enough, you could see visible steam pouring out of his ears. He did, however, turn redder than one of Aphrodite's ruby red lipsticks.

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