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The Avengers were better than advertised.

Percy didn't really have much trouble, but to be honest, she expected an easier fight.

Plus, they weren't aiming to kill, but neither was she.

"You can't win, kid. Just let us handle it and we'll let you go,"

"No can do, tin man," She delivered a roundhouse kick to the face, temporarily disabling him and causing him to stumble back. She caught a punch from Captain America, smirking from behind his fist. He flipped the super soldier over her head, slamming him into iron man and knocking them both out. White hair, or black widow, came next, shooting bullets at her legs, trying to make her unable to walk. She brought Riptide down, deflecting the bullets off. While she couldn't hurt the Avengers (minus Thor, of course), she could certainly deflect the small pieces of metal coming her way.

Percy ran forwards, into the red metal man with the cape, who she just passed right through. He solidified, punching her right in the nose and making her bleed. Ouch.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance, feeling for water pipes under the floor and in the walls. The reached out her arm, causing the water to spurt right through the pipe and onto the robotic man, who seemed to be annoyed by it.

"You know what you are doing is not right," he said to her, his voice sounding strangely authentic.

"And know that kidnapping people, using them for experiments and then destroying their home isn't right," she retaliated. He seemed to think about this for a second. What he didn't see was Thor striking him on the back of the head, causing him to crumple to the ground in a heap.

Percy turned to the scrawny human, who just held up his hands in surrender and backed away into the wall. She nodded in appreciation, knowing very well that he probably had some super secret power. While she was curious, she really didn't want to explore that option at this moment.

The red haired girl's hand glowed a bright red, matching the red surrounding Percy at the moment. Percy went flying across the room, back through the glass. Thor was fighting Hawkeye, though it wasn't much of a fight. To summarize, fried chicken. He threw lightning at the famed archer, throwing him back into the wall and knocking him out.

Percy came charging back at the ginger, who send a puff of red magic her way.

Thor only had time to look at his fallen fiancé, before being blasted back by Wanda.

"You're on the wrong side, Odinson,"


Thor threw her back with a bolt, knocking her unconscious, before turning to Percy, who was writhing in the ground, calling out to Annabeth.

He could guess what she was seeing as her worst fear.

He draped the hero of Olympus over his shoulder, continuing towards the cages, which he proceeded to open with his axe, before walking towards the room with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, waving for them to escape.

"You will not try to obtain these people again. You will delete any of the information you have gathered," Thor demanded, facing towards Fury. Fury seemed to consider this, looking kinda amused.

"And why would I do that?"

"Percy was someone who was sent as a warning. Don't test what they can do,"

Fury nodded his head, satisfied. He waved at his agents, who took off in the opposite direction, soon after joined by their director.

"Who do we have to kill?"

Hurricane- Fem Percy/ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now