Ch. 16

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The heroes rushed down the hallways, worried for their friend and his fiancé. Wanda's hands were lifted into the air, a harsh red glow adorning the atmosphere around her hands as well as a soft threatening glow in her eyes. 

Thor and Percy were glowing with the same light. They were both still sleeping, the inky substance almost covering their entire bodies. Wanda had lifted the pair into the air, carrying the couple behind her as her team rushed into Tony's lab. 

While neither of them were conscious, both of them were sweating profusely all the while tossing and turning with what could only be described as demigod dreams. Without even knowing it, their hands intertwined as they drifted alongside each other. While it wasn't immediate, their frantic movements started to decrease from the comfort that they provided each other. 

"Lay them down here." Bruce pointed to a large table centered in the middle of the room. Wanda nodded and slowly placed the pair onto the table, separating the two by a foot of space. 

"I can't believe I'm going to say this." Tony muttered quickly into his hand, looking down, then up, addressing the room. "We gotta get Rock of Ages."

Loki emerged from the corner of the room, arms crossed and a sour look plastered on his face. "You asked?"


Loki examined the two heroes, dragging his finger along his brother's body despite Bruce's protests. He held up a finger that had some of the ink-colored substance draped across it. 

"This isn't of your world-"

Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah, no shit sherlock."

"Let me finish, Stark."Tony muttered unintelligible. "This is not of your world, this is not of my world. This is of her world." Loki pointed to the sleeping Percy, who was continuing to fidget uncomfortably. "Aether."

"What was that? Leather?" Hawkeye asked, obtaining a well deserved eye roll from Nat. Loki looked annoyed, but didn't seem to care enough to take action.

"Why would he say cow-hide?" Vision asked curiously, getting no answer from the crowd. 

"Aether. This is from someone who had breathed in Aether, been affected with a Mark-"

"Why would someone breathe in leather?"

"Not leather," Loki said, speaking through gritted teeth. Steve let out a huff of amusement, turning back to the issue with a small smile. Meanwhile, Clint had his eyebrows scrunched together in what looked like confusion. "Aether is an ancient Greek deity. He is the air that the old Olympus breathed, the life force that tied the entire world together." Loki looked like he ways enjoying describing the substance that plagued his brother. Or perhaps he was just reminiscing on times where he didn't know of his adoption, he was unaware of his father's mass murder, and he didn't have to murder his sister. 

Or just reminiscing in general. It was hard to know with the god of lies. 

"Seems nice. So why is Point Break and his girl dying?" Tony asked curiously, tilting his head and looking at Loki, concerned. 

Loki sighed at Tony's ignorance- it was infuriating that these people felt as if he was not their superior, which of course he was. In his eyes.

Of course, in his eyes, stabbing your seven-year old brother was perfectly acceptable. 


"Aether, with positive intentions, can significantly enhance a person in every way-"

"Seems like you need some, Cap" Tony interrupted. Steve rolled his eyes at his friend's childish ways, but smiled to himself at hearing the man become more and more like the original Tony he missed so dearly. 

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