Ch. 12

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While she hadn't ever actually seen Hypnos, she knew enough about where he lived.

I mean, as cliche as it sounded, he lived on a cloud. Like, the sandman. It was pretty weird how mortals made such strange connections.

She made a fist and knocked on the giant doors, which almost immediately swung open.

Percy never got used to Olympian beauty, nor did Thor. The entire castle seemed to be a bright white, the walls flowing and shimmering in various patterns. In the middle, a river cut through. Percy had seen those milky white waters enough to know what exactly  this river was capable of.

Percy felt a stab of pain through her heart as she thought of her friend, a victim of those dangerous waters, who had lived to tell the tale- even proving that he could retain his memories in the end. It was a constant reminder of the sacrifice- another life for hers.

Above them laid a sky full of stars, shaped to look like a dome. It was beautiful, to say the least. While she didn't really have any idea why stars would have to do with dreams - nighttime maybe?- she found it very intriguing and captivating.

Thor looked around with childlike wonder, though some could argue that he was still a child. Most, probably.

"Where is your friend?" Thor asked Percy, who shrugged.

"Not really a friend. Not actually sure- first time I've been here," Thor nodded at Percy, who had stepped over the river Lethe (quite cautiously), walking towards the large hallway to another room, only separated with a thin and partially transparent door. Thor followed her lead.

"Again? Have we not talked about this?"

Percy and Thor stopped after entering through the door, pausing to look at the two people in front of them.

One was a cozy looking man, who looked, well, comfortable. It was hard to put into words. Next to him was a woman, average height, who was dressed in a white Greek chiton what was scattered with golden specks. She seemed to shimmer, her skin flowing in and out of reality. She had beautiful glowing skin that radiated something like comfort, and a rather angry face for someone that radiated calmness.

"I know, I know. My bad," the man answered dismissively. The woman, who Percy assumed to be his wife, scoffed at Hypnos' laziness. But, her fault for marrying the freakin' god of sleep.

The woman laid eyes on the pair of heroes, who were both standing there awkwardly. She gave a warm smile, walking forwards to greet her quite unexpected guests.

"Can we help you?" Percy smiled and nodded, while Thor just rocked back and forth on his heels, not really sure of what to be doing.

"I'm here to see Hypnos?" The woman glowered at the daughter of Poseidon, narrowing her eyes.

"For what, exactly?" Percy's eyes widened at the accusation that she was making.

"Just a question about my dreams," she said quickly. Almost as quickly as her smile disappeared, it reappeared.

"Well, nice to meet you then. Can't say the same about the rest of the woman around here," she glowered at her husband, who paid little attention to his clearly upset spouse. She then extended a hand out to the hero. "I'm Parithea, goddess of relaxation and hallucinations," Percy took the goddess' hand, which continued to flicker in and out, but seemed solid enough.


Parithea nodded, gesturing for Percy to come closer. "You can try, but I'm afraid you probably won't get much out of him- whatever you're looking for, its not here,"

Hurricane- Fem Percy/ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now