Ch. 25

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"You think they'll make it?" Bruce asked Steve, the both of them sitting at the front of the plane, waiting for New York to come into view. 

"Of course they will," Steve answered, his voice confident. He turned to the window again, looking at the skyline at some sort of dark cloud that had just come into view. "They have to."

Bruce looked at his friend with content. "I missed this, you know? Us being a team." He smiled, looking forwards too. "Though Tony is too proud to admit it, he really missed you. You guys should consider moving back in when all of this is over."

"Maybe I will," he answered calmly. The both of them squinted at the skyline, curious at how dark things had suddenly become. 

Bruce took another step forwards to the class, his eyebrows scrunched in concern. "Is it me, or did that cloud get a lot bigger?"

Steve shared the same feeling of concern, though he masked it well behind a collected look of security. "That's no cloud. They must have gotten here sooner than expected."

The leader of the team proceeded to call the rest of them together, barring Clint who was still unconscious. The group sat in a thick silence for a second before Natasha joined them, tucking her phone back into her pocket. 

"That's Peter. He says he's with the group of demigods and has the weapons, and he'll meet us at Stark Tower," she reported. But her face grew serious as she saw the situation- and the thick black smoke that was spiraling over their City. 

"Our first priority right now is getting the weapons, than trying to protect the city while getting rid of as much of these things as we can. Annabeth and the rest of the demigods are already busy getting the citizens out of the city, so we just need to help hold off the forces from the Empire State Building is until Percy and Tony return with the sword," Steve ordered, his voice unwavering. The rest of the team just stared down at the map table, their faces unsure and a thousand thoughts running through their heads. 

"Never thought I'd be defending a city from tyrannical titan that's trying to take over Olympus, which just happens to be over the Empire State building," Natasha muttered, her face unreadable. 

Bruce chuckled softly, his face wide with shock and his body unmoving. "Yeah, well I guess there's a first time for everything." 

Vision seemed to be computing something, his hands supporting his weight which was resting on the table. "And what of the Gods? Will they be joining us?"

Steve nodded. "From what Percy told me before, they're fighting Eberus himself until we get the sword. Them and the Asgardians."

"Is that what that is then?" Wanda pointed out bright flashes of light and dark that erupted over the ocean skyline, growing bigger every second that the plane drew nearer. All Steve could do was give a nod, his mouth unable to form words. 

The rest of the ride they rode in silence, only starting to stir once again when New York was finally visible on the horizon. Natasha joined Steve's side at that moment.

"I'm going to take Clint into Stark Tower. We'll stay there until he's awake, at least," she stated, leaving no room for negotiation. Steve agreed. 

Suddenly, with no warning, the plane jerked forwards, sending all of the Avengers flying to the front. At first nobody knew what was happening- but things became clear once they saw the hideous monsters swarming the plane, causing it to dive bomb. 

"Brace for impact!" Natasha yelled, the group holding on for dear life as they tumbled towards the coast, leaving behind trails of smoke that disappeared under the quickly blackening sky. 

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