The Kiss

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Virgil's POV

Roman and I were cooking dinner, Patton and my dad were sitting at the table talking to us, and Lizzy was upstairs doing her homework. I can't believe that she's already in seventh grade.

"Hey Dad!" Lizzy called out as she walked downstairs.

"Yes Princess?" Roman turned to face her as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh, Logan's here. Nevermind." She walked over to my Dad and showed him her homework sheet. He has always been the best at helping with homework.

"I can't believe she went to you for help." I laughed, trying to hide my smile with hand.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, he wrapped his arms around my waist but didn't pull me any closer so he could still see my face.

"You know what I mean." I continued to laugh.

"We've always gotten the same grade." He had a point, but he always had a little bit of trouble in school.

"True. But..." He cut me off with a kiss.

"I know. No need to remind me." He kissed me once more.

"I finished homework." Lizzy announced.

"Okay, dinner's done, so let's eat." Roman let me go and started serving plates.

"Hey Daddy?" Lizzy walked up to me.

"Yes." I looked down at her, she never really grew into her age.

"How did you know you were gay?" She asked me. Everyone stopped what they were doing and faced Lizzy, but I just smiled.

"I just knew. I knew from a young age though, as soon as Roman walked into my life to be more precise." I told her. I don't know why everyone stopped, it wasn't that big of a deal. She still looked a bit conflicted.

"Why do you ask?" I turned her attention back onto me.

"I'll tell you later." She flashed me her signature smile, and skipped over to the table.


We were all sitting at the table, and already mostly done with dinner. I ate most of my food, I never actually finished the food that I put on my plate. Lizzy hadn't eaten much, which concerned me, but I had no room to talk.

"I'm done eating." Lizzy said as she took one more small bite.

"Are you sure you don't want anymore?" Roman asked her.

"Positive." She looked down at food, a small frown appearing on her face.

"Im just too confused to eat right now." She confessed.

"That's fine. Why don't you go get dressed for bed." I told her, I took both our plates and then everyone elses. After Lizzy left, Roman helped me put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Why is she doing that?" My Dad asked.

"Virgil always did the same thing." Patton pointed out.

"Yes. I know." 

"Im right here. She said she was confused about something. We'll talk to her later." We finished the dishes and sat back down. A minute later Lizzy came back in and sat on my lap. I like to consider myself as her favorite.

"So, whatcha all talking about?" She asked.

"Nothing important." My Dad told her.

"Hey Dad." She turned to Roman.

"What is it?" He asked her. A smile on his face.

"I want another dog." She said, a bit quietly. About a year ago Rosie had passed away, of old age, nothing bad happened to her. Roman and I exchanged glances.

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