Part 2: Ride or Die

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Two days late. Two days late and nothing on voice mail. I was in full muster now, not sure what would happen next, but now I had to find out. I had to go home. 

"Are you sure you want to go?" Didi asked as I packed my backpack. "What if there's trouble--"

"No matter what it is, I need to find out," I told her. I wasn't sure if she should come. I went in my closet, and took a deep breath. "I never thought I'd have to do this."


I pulled down two leg pouches. I opened one to check to see if the gun was still there, and it was. I threw it on the bed next to my pack, and went for my Camelbak mule.

Didi gasped. "Lani--"

 I stopped and turned. I didn't want to argue. "He is all I have left of family, Didi." I took a deep breath. "What if he needs me?"

Didi's eyes dropped sadly. "I know."

I shook my head at her. "You're not going to stop me." I zipped my backpack, ran to my bathroom sink to fill my canteen. I picked up everything, headed for the door and swung it open. "So, unless you're coming with me--" I froze. Sitting in the hallway propped up against the wall opposite my door was a double pouch, a backpack, and canteen. My dad gave her these when she roughed it with us. I turned back to her, and she gave a sheepish smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"Any questions?"

I hugged her tight. She was my best friend. "You're my ride or die, you know that?"

"Yeah, I do," Didi said, hugging me back. "There has to be a reason  we're doing this, Lani. There has to be a reason he trained us this way. And there has to be a reason--"

"He's disappeared," I finished. We looked at each other, and nodded, silently resolved. "Let's go."

We jumped in my jeep and headed out. 

"Where are we headed?" Didi asked.

"The cabin." I said simply.  "Good place to start as any."


New Age Werewolf Series Book 2: Hunter's Daughter,  Alpha's MateWhere stories live. Discover now