Part - 4

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Hello dearies...

I am back with the next update...

But before that I would like to heartily thank each one of you who voted & commented on the previous update 🙏🙏

Though I couldn't reply to any of the comments & I apologize for the same but I have read every single word of every single comment & I was extremely overwhelmed seeing the extra ordinary indulgence of all u lovely readers in this story & only because of ur tremendous love & support this book has reached 11k views & 1.2k likes in just 3 updates.

I can't thank u all enough.... You people are just incredible so I would like to dedicate this update to each one of you who felt Khushi's pain & have cried with her while reading her sufferings 😥😥


Mumbai. The financial capital of India. The city of dreams. The city that never sleeps. Where people lead a fast-paced life with very little time to live & enjoy life as per their choice owing to a significant amount of time spent on daily commuting.

Amidst the hustle bustle of the big city & late night traffic, the car entered into AR apartments premise & stopped near the multi-storey building.

Arnav hadn't interacted much with Sheetal since they left Delhi for Mumbai.

Arnav always keeps a bagpack with his two pair of clothes & other necessities in his office to be used in time of emergencies.

So he had that bag but Sheetal was so desperate to go with Arnav that she refused to go home to fetch clothes for herself. Lest her plan fails due to anything or anybody. She didn't want this chance to slip from her hands at any cost.

So she bought some new clothes & necessary things from AR outlet itself. She just wanted to use this opportunity at the fullest.

But much to Sheetal's displeasure they had got seperate seats in the flight whereas it didn't matter to Arnav at all.

He was busy on his lappy alongside on constant call with Aman, trying to find a solution for the problem occured.

Sheetal was annoyed for not getting any chance to be close to Arnav.

Driver with car was waiting outside the airport to take Arnav & Sheetal to AR apartments.

Arnav kept limited interaction with her in the car too.

As the car reached its destination Sheetal's eyes brightened at the thought that now there won't be any hindrance in her plans as now it would be just her & Arnav in the flat.

But Arnav's next words poured cold water on all her nasty plans.

Sheetal take your luggage & go to the flat on 14th floor. Maya, the helper is already there. If u need anything or any help, ask her. I will send the car to pick you in the morning for the meeting & I will meet you straightaway there only. He told her in an expressionless tone.

Sheetal didn't understand what he was exactly implying.

Ok Arnav but why are you telling me this here?? You can tell me once we reach in the flat itself. She asked frowning in confusion.

I have some work. So I am going there right now. You go to the flat. See you in the meeting. He replied typing something in his mobile.

But Arnav what work you have at this late hours?? Whatever it is do it tomorrow. Come to the flat right now. You must be tired. You need rest. She tried to cajole him holding his hand. Scared of her plans to fail.

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