Part 15

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Hey dearies..

Here's the next update.. But before that, thank u so much for being so considerate, understanding & patient towards me. Thank u so much to all those who inquired about my health.. I'm much better now.. I had caught up with muscle spasm around my ribs, due to sitting for hours continuously, for drafting.. Yesterday, I rested the whole day so I couldn't update. But I'm better now & ready with the update...

Hope you would enjoy...


"It's a hairline fracture in her right foot ankle." The doctor announced to Aakash & the other Raizadas, who were waiting impatiently, outside the OPD of the hospital, where they had immediately shifted Manorama, who had slipped from the stairs in the house.

All the ladies gasped.

"We have plastered her foot, which will be required to keep for at least 6 weeks." The doctor supplied further.

"Hope it's nothing serious doctor??" A worried Akash asked to the orthopaedic doctor.

"No, Mr. Raizada. Nothing to worry much. She will be fine in 6 to 8 weeks." Doctor said patting Akash's shoulder lightly.

"When can we take her home doctor??" Payal asked.

"We will have to keep her under observation for tonight, to monitor her vitals. Then you can take her home, tomorrow morning." Doctor answered.

Whole family took a sigh of relief.

"We are shifting her to the VIP room. She will gain conscious in half an hour." The doctor informed & then excused himself from the family.

Manorama was then shifted to the VIP room. She was not completely conscious yet, as she was still under the effects of sedatives.

Everybody, except Arnav, who had gone to his office, were present in the VIP room, waiting for Manorama to gain conscious completely.

Arnav was informed about the incident by Khushi over the phone & he was on his way to the hospital.

Sheetal was asked to stay back at home with Aarav by nani.





As Manorama opened her eyes, she found all the family members surrounding her bed.

She tried to get up & grimaced immediately, feeling the acute pain, due to the sudden leg movement.

Akash & Payal reached her in no time & helped her to sit up, arranging pillows at her back.

She saw her plastered foot & remembered about the incident, which landed her here.

"How are you feeling now maa??" Aakash asked sitting near his mother.

Manorama nodded her head lightly at Aakash.

Payal offered her a glass of water. She drank & handed it back to Payal.

"Is it paining much Manorama??" Nani asked moving near her bed, caressing her daughter in law's head affectionately.

Manorama's eyes got moist seeing her sasuma's loving gesture.

"Not much sasuma." She replied smiling. Nani smiled back.

"Mami.. You scared all of us." Anjali said, standing near nani.

"Sorry Anjali bitiya." Mami apologized.

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