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Hey dearies…

I'm here with a teaser for the next update. But before that, I would like to share some of my views with u all, regarding the story…


Khushi is very clear right from the beginning, that she doesn't want to punish her husband & inlaws. She wants to make them realise their mistakes, the hurt they have caused to her due to their ignorance, thoughtlessness & its repercussions. She wants to make them realise her worth & then never dare to take her for granted again. She wants to get back everything, which was snatched from her, with full rights & respect. She is not in for a revenge, but yes she definitely is paying back to them, for what they did with her, but in her own way. It's her husband & her family, whom she loves with all her heart & they are quintessential for her life. Just because they erred, she won't go away from her own husband & family. She will stay amidst them & get everybody back on track. She is already working on it & is succeeding as well, with the help of her KKK brigade.

Coming to Arnav.. He has erred. Terribly erred. But his wife has made him realise his mistakes & he did learn them, in a hard way though. He has tasted the bitter taste of his own medicine, of hurting his wife for his worthless ego & taking her for granted. He was on the verge of losing her & that has opened his eyes, for forever this time. Agreed that his mistakes are huge, but not unforgivable. He is genuinely regretting for everything he has put Khushi through, due to his big fat male ego & impulsiveness. If he is repenting, redeeming & is trying to rectify all his wrong deeds, then he deserves a chance because at the end of the day, one thing can't be denied, that he loves Khushi very much & so does Khushi.

If Khushi wants to stay in this marriage willingly, then she has to give Arnav a chance to right all the wrongs. She can't keep on holding on to her hurt & anger. She can't keep on ignoring all his genuine attempts of rectification, of wooing her, of winning her love & trust back. Seeing his efforts for amendments, she has to start from somewhere to forgive him & that's what she is doing. But at the same time she is reminding him of all his misdeeds towards her, time & again. She has not forgiven him completely yet, as she has her own reservations. The intensity of her hurt is much deeper, so it will take time & more of Arnav's efforts to completely wipe it off.

But we can't deny that somewhere Khushi herself is responsible for all the heartbreaking events she faced. Her selflessness, kind heart & ever so forgiving nature, are the root cause of her messed up life. She too has learnt a good lesson from all these happenings, that sometimes it's good to become a bit selfish & non forgiving for our own happiness. Also these incidents got that same strong, feisty & self esteemed Khushi back, who was lost after the snakewa's exit & the bitch's entry.

Ok... now enough of my words of wisdom 😜

Now enjoy the teaser…

"Arnav & sing??" Sheetal raised her eyebrow. "You are delusional Khushi." She laughed at Khushi, mocking her. "Arnav can never sing. I can bet with you on that because I know him much better than you do. Singing & dancing is not his cup of tea. He isn't cut out for all this things. In fact that's the reason, he always used to avoid attending any kind of gatherings & functions back in Harvard, so that his friends would not force him to sing & dance, which he dislikes." She said with a proud smirk.

"You are absolutely right Sheetal." Everybody's heads turned towards the direction of the voice. There, the man in question, was himself standing at the door. His eyes on his beautiful wife.

He entered the room without moving his gaze from his wife's face & came & stood near her.

"Arnav can never sing." He repeated Sheetal's words & her proud smirk widened.

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