Part - 8

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Hey friends 🙋

I m back with a new chapter 🤷

I would like to thank to all those who voted & commented on the previous chapter & due to ur incredible reponse that chapter became the first one to cross 500 vote mark in any of my stories 💃

Thank u sooooo much 😘 Keep on pouring the same love always ♥️

Now here's the update 👇


Arnav was very much frustrated & angry as the meeting was reaching no where even after several hours of conflicts, discussions & warnings from both the parties to each other.

When Arnav had come to Mumbai he was prepared for 2-3 days stay if needed but had decided to bent the dealer Mr. Khurana on the terms & conditions they had finalized. But this man was more stubborn then he had thought.

After the phone call with his Khushi & the way Khushi had asked him to return soon he was not willing to extend his stay even for a day. He just wants to get done with the meeting & flew to his Khushi as soon as possible.

They had talked this normally after days of ignorance, yearning & longingness.

Her sweet voice over the phone had worked as a balm on his aching heart.

Now he just wants to go to his Khushi, embrace her tight burying his head in her silky traces. Wants to soothe his yearning & longing for her by inhaling her jasmine scent, by caressing her soft smooth skin to his heart content, by kissing her passionately & ultimately making sweet love to her after days of distance between them.

But this Khurana is hell bent on pouring cold water on all his plans.

He was already on the edge of loosing his control when Khurana stubbornly declared that this contract would be fulfilled only on his terms & conditions otherwise the contract would be cancelled.

He was very much assured that Arnav would bent infront of him as he has no other option. The deadline of the contract is just after a month & no other dealer would be able to supply him the material as per his requirement of quality & quantity this soon because its a huge order to meet in such short period.

But Khurana didn't knew that right now he isn't provoking a businessman who would be patient enough to negotiate with him but an edgy husband who is ready to kick this contract on his face just to go back to his wife.

But he soon got to know it.

Ok Mr. Khurana, if you want to play dirty then be it that way. Previously all the contracts my company had given to your company because your father was a genuine man & a thorough professional. He knew my choice of quality so we never had to mention that particularly as it was like an unsaid rule between us. But this is our first contract with your company after you taking the reign in your hands after your father's death & you showed how cheat, amateur & an unprofessional businessman you are by supplying the cheap quality material. But Arnav Singh Raizada never works with such cheap unprofessionals. Arnav said coldly to Mr. Khurana who was sitting opposite to him & now seemed a bit uncomfortable hearing the coldness in Arnav's voice.

I am breaking this contract right here right now Mr. Khurana. Declared ASR closing the file infront of him with a thud startling Khurana & the other occupants in the room.

Mr. Khurana shifted nervously on his place seeing Arnav ready to break the contract.

Arnav, what are you saying?? You are being impulsive. Its question of crores. Sheetal who was sitting silently till now besides Arnav spoke slowly, leaning towards him.

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