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Hey dearies...

Hope u all are safe & sound in your houses during this lockdown 3.O

Please stay home & stay safe for your near & dear ones...

I'm here with a teaser for the upcoming chapters to keep your interest intact in the story you all love so much.


"WHY?? His voice boomed in the whole mansion.

"Why everytime my Khushi have to give up on her dreams for others' happiness??" His eyes spitting fire at each one present there.

"Why everytime my Khushi have to bear the brunt for others' shortcomings?? Why??" He roared, his voice was getting one notch higher at his every word uttered.

He was breathing heavily. His eyes red with unrestrained rage. The unbound anger was ready to burn every fiber of his being. He wanted to break every single thing in front of his eyes.

"Why everytime my Khushi have to sacrifice her happiness so that others' happiness doesn't get ruined?? For my dii's marriage & baby to stay unharmed, for her jiji's marriage to happen without any hindrance, for her husband's shortcomings in understanding & trusting people, to keep her inlaws happy & pleased, to not let her foster family regret adopting her, for every single happening she has to surrender her own wishes, her dreams, her interests, her expectations, her happiness every damn single time. Why?? Why, why, why??" He yelled his lungs out shaking the foundation of RM.







Arnav's eyes were widening with shock & his head was spinning with disbelief with every word he was reading from the file, his private investigator Sanjay presented him against Sheetal.

By the end he stood up furiously from his chair toppling it backwards. Throwing the file across the wall scattering the papers from the file on the floor, he overturned his huge working desk with his strong hands causing Aman & Sanjay to back step saving themselves from getting hurt. They were scared beyond imagination at Arnav's wild reaction.

The name of Sheetal's accomplice had enraged him to the roots that for the first time Arnav Singh Raizada completed the cuss he usually left incomplete...








Arnav drove his car at an insane speed chasing Khushi's car.

His eyes darted on Khushi through the back glass of her car. She was trying her best to stop the driver from driving further by hitting on his shoulders with her puny hands & by pulling his hair but her efforts proved in vain.

Arnav could finally get his car parallel to Khushi's.

"Khushi.. Khushi.." He was shouting with his head out of the window, stretching his one hand out trying to reach Khushi's side of the door handle & controlling the steering of his own car with his other hand.

"Arnavji.. Arnavji.." Khushi stretched her hand frantically towards Arnav's, trying to hold it.

Tears were streaming from her eyes & her heart was calling out to him, scared of getting seperated from his heart.

Arnav's heart was racing faster than his car

"I won't let anything happen to you my love." He promised her & pressing his foot hard on the accelerator, got his car ahead & across of Khushi's.

Driver of Khushi's car braked hard & the car stopped with a loud screeching sound just a few inches before Arnav's car. .

Arnav hurried out of his car & rushed towards Khushi.

He frantically tried to open her side of the door but it was centre locked.

Taking the opportunity, the driver of Khushi's car scurried out from the car & flew away from the scene not wanting to be caught by ASR.

Arnav let him flee as he had to save his Khushi.

Arnav immediately unlocked the centre lock from the open door & opened Khushi's side of the door when BOOOOOOMMMMMM... a deafening blast echoed in the surrounding & Khushi's car was blazing with fire.


So.. How's the teaser??

Let me know through your votes & comments.

Thanks a lot for ur awesome response on the previous chapter despite the delay in updating.

Stay tuned with your favourite story as hereon its gonna be a thrilling ride for you all with lots of nerve tickling Arshi romance as well.

Kavita ❤️

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