Part - 7

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Hey my lovely readers ❤️

I am back with the update as promised 😃

Before that I would like to thank each one of you who voted & commented on the previous part ❤️

I read every single comment but due to lack of time couldn't manage to reply & I heartily apologize for the same 🙏

Hope u would pardon your guilty writer 😮

Now here's the update....


Jiji, I would had never even thought of doing the DNA test if our family wouldn't have been this inconsiderate towards my feelings & emotions. The striking similarities & their constant comparisons between Arnavji & Arav forced me to go for the DNA tests I regret doing, which pushed my Arnavji away from me. Khushi confessed. Her eyes filled with tears of regret & guilt.

And I should be the one to be blamed here the most. Came a voice startling both the sisters.

Payal & Khushi darted their eyes to the door shocked, stunned, mystified.



Both the sisters said in unison looking towards the matriarch of their family standing at the threshold of Khushi's room. Tears rolling down her wrinkly cheeks proved that she has heard everything.

Devyani Raizada had single handedly raised her children Ratna & Manohar after the early demise of her husband Pratapsingh Raizada.

Though he had not left too much of wealth & property behind him for her & their children but whatever was there she had used it wisely & had managed to raise their children with right morals, high values & good education. Also had settled them happily with their choice of life partners.

But to her daughter Ratna's bad fate her husband Arvind Mallik turned out to be an infedal resulting her daughter Ratna commiting suicide followed by her infedal & coward husband commiting suicide as well leaving their two children Anjali & Arnav alone in this whole wide world who were then betrayed by their own uncle & were thrown out of their own house without a penny in their pockets.

But then she, Devyani Raizada had taken her estranged grandchildren under her wings & had raised them just like she had raised her children. But this time she had her own son Manohar & his wife Manorama to support her.

She has had never said infront of anybody but in her heart she was proud of herself for staying strong all these years for her children & grand children.

Somewhere she had that pride in her of being the matriarch of her family & fulfilling the responsibility of the same very well.

She was satisfied with herself for always standing for truth, always supporting the right person & never doing any injustice with any innocent.

But today after hearing her Khushi bitiya's sufferings all her pride & satisfaction turned useless. Became zero.

How couldn't she see the injustice being done with her Khushi bitiya all these days??

How could she herself be a part of that injustice??

The girl who had enlightened her grandson's dark life was herself drifting into a dark abyss of pain & grief infront of her own eyes owing to her & the family's unintentional ignorance & she didn't get an inkling of the same.

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