Part - 5

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Hey friends 🙋

Back with the update... But before that I would like to thank to all those who voted & commented on the previous part 😘😘

Now here's the update which I would like to dedicate to VirkSada


Wanting to spent some time with her sister without any disturbance Payal had woken up earlier then usual & had prepared breakfast for the family & was about to go to her sister's room when she saw her husband descending the stairs, ready in his office clothes.

Akash why are you up so early, ready in office wear?? Payal asked her husband surprisingly.

Aman called half an hour back. The meeting with our German delegates is preponed due to some emergency & I am yet to complete the final presentation. So I am leaving soon. I have asked my team also to reach office soon. Akash informed his wife hurriedly.

Oh Ok. The breakfast is ready. I will serve it. You have it then go. Payal said moving towards the kitchen.

No Payal. I don't have much time. I will grab something from the canteen & have it while working on the presentation. Akash said stopping his wife.

No need to have canteen food. I will pack your breakfast. You have it sparing sometime. Payal moved towards the kitchen without giving her husband a chance to deny.

Akash smiled at his caring wife.

Payal handed the tiffin box to her husband reminding him not to forget to have the breakfast.

Promising Payal to have it on time Akash moved towards the exit door after planting a good bye kiss on her forehead.

Heaving a sigh Payal turned to move towards the stairs to get surprised for the second time in just 15 minutes span.

She saw her mother-in-law with her Anjali bitiya & Arav descending the stairs in a very cheerful mood.

Their attire screamed that they are ready for some outing.

But isn't it bit too early for that Payal thought.

Good morning Payalji. Anjali greeted smiling while climbing down the stairs.

Good morning dii. Payal reciprocated back with a smile.

Dii, where are you all headed to, so early morning?? Payal inquired softly as the trio reached her.

Payalji as Arav has a holiday today we have decided to have a dayout starting from our breakfast till our dinner. In between we have a movie plan, fun at amusement park & lot more. Everything of Arav's choice. Anjali supplied happily, ruffling Arav's hair lovingly.

Oh good. Payal replied smiling as she was actually happy to know this as she would get free the whole day from her daughter in law duties & she can concentrate on her sister without any disturbance.

Payalji, why don't you & Khushiji also join us?? It will be fun together. Anjali asked Payal enthusiastically, completely missing her mami's & Arav's vanishing smile which was replaced back immediately as Payal refused Anjali's invitation.

No dii. You all carry on. May be you must have forgotten that Khushi isn't well since yesterday. So she needs rest & I need to be here to look after my sister. Payal replied in a light reprimanding tone pressing on the last two words.

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