Part - 17

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Hey lovely readers...

Hope you all are safe & sound in your houses during this pandemic...

I missed you all & missed drafting my stories... There are many reasons for the huge delay in the update but I won't go into all that & bore you all...

I'm thankful to each one of my ardent, loyal, understanding & very very patient readers & followers for sticking to me & my stories even after so much of delay in the updates..

You guys are just amazing & I'm very fortunate to have you all in my life...

Also thank you to those who have been asking & worrying after my well being during this pandemic...

This update is dedicated to all my lovely readers but a special mention to Shagun2704 my dear Somu who celebrated her b'day a few days back. Somu, you did get my wishes on your b'day itself but your gift was pending. So this is it, though belated. Hope you & my other readers would like it.


Arnav was working on his laptop sitting on his recliner but he wasn't able to concentrate. The images of his cherishable togetherness with his wife today after days of distance between them were just flashing in front of his eyes.

He has loved every second spent with her today. Their vegetable shopping, her ice cream treat to him, their gorging on gol gappas, he has enjoyed every bit of it. But the best was their intimate moment shared in his car when he came to drop her home. Their emotional talks warmed their hearts & then their kiss after days of craving & pining felt like rain after a prolonged drought. The sweetness of her soft lips was still lingering on his rough lips. He can give away his fortune to live his whole life with his Khushi in such ecstasy.

His lips & fingers were desperate to devour his wife. He couldn't settle with just one kiss. He needs to feel, touch, taste & love every inch of her. All of her, whole of her.

He heaved a helpless, frustrated sigh.

A knock on his open door intruded his contemplation.

It was his brother Akash who entered with a quizzical look on his face & settled on the recliner near his bhai.

"Yes Akash??" Arnav asked, looking at his laptop screen.

"Bhai.. if you are busy I would come later." Akash asked politely but his voice gave away the seriousness of the matter he was here to discuss.

Shutting his laptop, turning towards his brother giving him all his attention, Arnav gave his little brother an encouraging nod. "I'm all ears Akash."

"Bhai.." Akash started. "You have always been my support, my strength, my mentor & my role model since childhood. I have always looked up to you, whenever I felt weak in any situation, whenever I faltered in taking any decisions because I knew you were there to guide me, to encourage me. You have always stood by me, fulfilled all my wishes & never let me down."

"Akash.." Arnav interrupted. "Why are you enumerating all these now?? Whatever I did or am doing is my responsibility as an elder brother towards you." Arnav said, patting his brother's thigh.

"Yes, that's what I meant. You have always performed your duties & fulfilled all your responsibilities towards me & our family. I know you are very much capable of living up to others' expectations & your own as well. But that doesn't mean you don't need anybody's support & backing." Akash said, confusing Arnav. "However, you never showed or demanded any of it ever is a different thing altogether. But as your brother, I want to be that support to you, that supporting shoulder whom you can look up to for strength & support when you're in need." Akash held his brother's hand in his & pressed it affectionately.

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