Part - 12

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Hey lovelies 🙋‍♀️

Hope u all r keeping fine 😊

Thank u so much for all ur votes & comments on the previous update 🙏

I loved reading each one of them ❤️

Now here goes the next update..


Completing his breakfast Arnav was ready to leave for his office.

Khushi, I m leaving. He said getting up from his chair.

Khushi just nodded her head without looking at him.

His heart pained at her indifference but can he blame her for that??

No... Because the credit goes to his own indifferent behaviour towards her of days & this is just a start for him.

He knows he has much more of payback from her & too much of amendments to do from his side.

But gosh... its really painful.

How would he go through all of it??

How could he behave so ignorant & nonchalant towards her all these days just because of the hurt caused by her one unintentional mistake!!

How could he let his ego & mulishness rule over his love for his wife. His Khushi.

Arnav... Sheetal's voice brought him back from his self contempt.

Arnav along with others looked towards her.

Arnav, just wait for five minutes. I will just get my purse from my room. She said & turned to go towards the stairs.

Sheetal.. Where are you coming with me?? Arnav asked narrowing his eyes.

To office. Just like we used to go together?? She said smiling, shrugging her shoulders, emphasing her words.

Sheetal you are not coming to office with me as I have already transferred your services to Mumbai branch. You are here due to Arav's ill health. Stay here with him for two days, till then he will also be fine & then you are going back to Mumbai. Arnav ordered.

But Arnav, I can't stay away from Arav for this long. How about I stay here till his school gets over & then we both together move to Mumbai?? She tried to negotiate again.

Sheetal, we have already discussed on this yesterday. So I would appreciate if you stick to the decision. Arnav said sternly.

He then looked at Khushi who was pretending to be nonchalant & have her breakfast but she was looking at Sheetal from the corner of her eyes.

Sheetal looked at Anjali, pleading through her eyes to help her.

Anjali blinked at her in assurance.

This exchange was noticed by Khushi & her soldiers who understood that Sheetal has already laid her false case infront of Anjali as they had seen both of them coming down together & has gained sympathy points.

They weren't wrong & Anjali proved it.

Chhote... She started.

Firstly I don't understand why do you want to send Sheetalji to Mumbai when she can stay here & work in AR like she has been doing since she has arrived here?? She asked.

Dii... I have taken this decision after lot of thinking. Mr. Sharma is retiring & I want somebody equally reliable & teustworthy in his place & Sheetal fits the criteria. Also being a single mother she needs to be financially stronger to give Arav good upbringing. I am just helping her in that with this offer & a much better salary. Arnav stated clearly.

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