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A small teaser for my dear readers ☺️


It would had taken just a bit of your understanding, a few words of your assurance, some of your time with warmth of your love to ward off my insecurities. She said through her constricted throat.

But what did you do?? She asked painfully.

You distanced yourself from me & everything that belongs to me you devoted to your friend & her son. Your time, your concentration, your smiles, your concern, your attention, my place besides you on the dining table & in the car, everything was given to them generously without thinking of the hurt it was causing me. Her accusing eyes looking straight into his penitant ones, pricking holes into his heart.

Why?? Just to soothe your big fat male ego which had got bruised by me doing the DNA test behind your back. She mocked him without mincing her words.

He shook his head negating her Because you made me feel like a polygynous by not trusting my words of me not having any kind of physical relationship with Sheetal in the past or present. Even after my assurance you went behind my back & did that bloody DNA. That one action of yours put me in the same category of my adulterous father whom I abhor the most. He replied. His pain very much palpable in his moist eyes & shaky voice.

Khushi felt a huge boulder on her heart with the sudden realization of his painful feelings during the DNA fiasco.

Swallowing hard she held his forearm.

I never had any such intentions Arnavji. Neither I saw you in that light. I can never compare you with that despicable man Arnavji. She said rubbing his arm, feeling awful for making him feel so low about himself unintentionally.

But you didn't give me a chance to explain my view & reasons for doing the DNA. Even after my numerous attempts of apologies, you stayed cruelly stubborn without paying any heed to any of my apologies or requests to give me a chance to clear the misunderstandings. She said softly, ruefully.

Then what did you expect me to do after knowing that my wife doesn't trust me??He asked incredulously.

You could have let me explain my side. You could have beleived me when I said that after tearing the original reports I didn't asked for the second copy. But what you did Arnavji?? Failed all my attempts making me feel more miserable & guilty for the mistake I commited out of my insecurities. She said through her tears. Her words were wrung from deep within, her face contorted with pain, still immeasurable to the pain her heart endured.

His heart ached at the distress on her face.

He held her shoulders & dragged her closer. Gulping hard he let out his pain Khushi I couldn't forgive you because I wasn't just dissapointed, I was downright hurt beyond belief by your distrust on me & my love.

Tears pooled in her beautiful eyes.

Arnav stared at her, pain racking his body & soul.

The same pain reflected in her eyes as she has suffered this distrust, this disbelief from him uncountable times & has alone endured the traumatic consequences. Still she forgave him for all his atrocities. Then why can't he give her that much liverage??

Both stared at each other in tense & pulsating silence.

When I could forgive you for all the gut-wrenching ordeal you made me go through till now, which I forgave but couldn't forget still, then why can't you forgive me for my one unintentional mistake Arnavji?? She asked. Her voice low but firm which floated past him, piercing through the stilled silence.

BECAUSE YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE A TWO TIMING BIGAMIST JUST LIKE MY WASTREL FATHER. He bellowed on her face, tightening his grip on her shoulder. His eyes red with anger yet filled with controlled tears.


KHUSHIIII he roared loudly. He could feel the blood leaving his face. His hand raised in air to slap her for using such demeaning words for herself.

She turned her face immediately in reflex to his raised hand which he had stilled in air, controlling himself.

He fisted tightly his raised hand, piercing his nails in his palm. His jaws tightened equally painful. His eyes burning with hot tears.

HOW DARE YOU?? He pulled her harshly towards his raging form.

HOW DARE YOU USE SUCH FOUL WORDS FOR YOURSELF KHUSHI?? HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF WITH SUCH FILTHY NAMES?? HOW DARE YOU?? His voice vroomed with unbridled anger, shaking her vigorously with every word he howled. His eyes spitting fire ready to burn her.

Her shocked eyes widened with the anger emitting from his raged eyes.

YOU ARE KHUSHI. MY KHUSHI. MY WIFE. KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA SINGH RAIZADA. THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE & WILL ALWAYS REMAIN SO TILL MY LAST BREATH. He growled yanking her more closer, wanting to etch each & every word he said on her heart, mind & soul.

Khushi looked at his anguished face with her feverish eyes.

The muscles of her throat constricted as she tried to control her own fury.

Yes, that's what I became after marrying you. She said calmly. Her tears too falling in silent stream burning him within.

KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA SINGH RAIZADA. But I guess I took the SINGH RAIZADA in it way too seriously that I forgot that I am the same fiesty KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA who stood against you firmly & fought head to head against all your outrageousness & enormity, giving you back equally each time you pointed my self respect, questioned my status, doubted my loyalty, insulted me with your cutting words. She stated calmly. Her voice calm & eyes cold, scaring him.

I never doubted your love for me. I wanted to live through it my whole life but not at the cost of my love to be taken for granted time & again.

A world of pain reflected in her wet eyes as she met his troubled gaze.

But its high time for that fiesty KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA to make a comeback. She said, confidence coating her words.


So this is the teaser friends....

Let me know ur views on the same..

I m drafting LAFB... After that I will draft this update....

Till then enjoy the teaser....

Kavita ❤️

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