Part - 11

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Hey my lovely readers 🙋‍♀️

M back with ur favourite story 🤷‍♀️

But before that thank u soooo much for showering soooo much of love on this story & its just increasing with every update... U guys r simply the best 👌👌

Also thanks for ur valuable votes & awesome comments on the previous chapter which crossed 700 vote mark 🙏

Now here's the update...


Mom.. Are you happy with me that I completed your given task efficiently?? Arav asked laying in his mother's embrace on the bed.

Yes baby, I am very happy. Sheetal replied smilingly, caressing her son's head.

But baby, how did you manage to skip the breakfast?? I mean I did give you the whole idea of what to do & how to do. But I was worried that Anjali aunty loves you very much so she won't let you skip the breakfast then how did you manage it baby?? Sheetal asked her confusion.

Mom, yesterday night when you explained me the whole plan I was ready to execute it as per your instructions. So in the morning I was looking for a perfect excuse to skip the breakfast which was provided to me by Khushi aunty herself. Arav supplied looking at his mom. .

How?? She asked furrowing her brows.

In the morning I heard her telling HP not to bring any bread today as they had enough bread to make toast for me. So I decided to ask for something made out of bread only to eat. So I demanded for garlic bread & as Khushi aunty had already used the limited bread for my toast I couldn't get my garlic bread & so I told Anjali aunty that we would have garlic bread at Starbucks & she agreed. Then everything I did as per your instructions only mom. Arav stated smiling proudly at her mom.

I am so proud of you my baby. Sheetal praised him with a kiss on his forehead.

But I am sorry too my baby for putting you through so much. For asking you to starve, to skip your medicines so you would faint. I am a very bad mom. Sheetal said sadly feeling guilty.

No mom. You are not bad because you only gave me the idea to ask Anjali aunty to stay at her friend's house nearby my school so that she could reach me as soon as possible. You did that because you love me & didn't want me to suffer more. Arav said, not liking his mother feeling guilty.

Thanks for understanding me baby. She kissed his hairs.

But mom, why was ASR not wanting to bring you back with him from Mumbai?? Arav asked.

As I told you earlier Khushi doesn't like both of us & she wants to throw both of us out of this house as soon as possible. It wasn't ASR's decision but she had only asked him to leave me in Mumbai only & then she would have sent you also to me after a few days. That's why I had called you last night, told you about ASR's decision & had asked you to do all the drama so that ASR has no other option then bringing me back to you with him. Sheetal lied unabashedly traducing Khushi more in Arav's eyes.

Arav gritted his teeth hard.

I hate that Khushi aunty, mom. He said angrily.

I too hate her baby but we have to keep our anger in check until we find a concrete idea to throw her out of this house & ASR's life. Till then you continue with your tantrums & harrowing Khushi the way you are doing. Ok baby. She said cupping his cheek.

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