Part - 6

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Back with the update...

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Sheetal smiled evilly looking at the mobile in her hands.

She knows she has shot the arrow right at the target that too standing thousands of kilometres away from it.

Just a few lies from her end & the already wavering trust of Khushi on her Arnavji must have broken to pieces she would never be able to recollect.

Though yesterday night she couldn't implement her plan as Arnav had ditched her & had gone to stay God knows where.

But as per the saying 'Where there is a will, there is a way', her strong will gave her an unexpected chance to set her plans into action in the form of Khushi's call to Arnav.

Roaming her eyes in the meeting room she saw Arnav coming back after using the washroom.

Before he could notice she placed his mobile back on the table where he had forgotten before going to the washroom.

His negligence had proved to be her unexpected profit.

The meeting with the dealers was set at 8:00 am.

As per Arnav's last night instructions before leaving her at the apartments, Arnav had indeed sent a car with a driver to pick her for the meeting at 7:00 am sharp today morning.

Although she had hardly managed to get some 4 hours sleep owing to the anger & frustration she had been feeling due to Arnav's departure failing her plans, she was unwilling to leave the bed & wanted to catch up on some more of her beauty sleep.

But she knew that she has to shrug off her sleep & laziness if she doesn't want to loose any more chances to stay near Arnav & work her plans out successfully.

So she had left the bed, had gotten ready & reached the place where meeting was to be held to find Arnav already reached & seated on one of the chairs around the round table set for the meeting.

She had went & occupied the empty chair on his right side & had greeted him with her best of smiles which was reciprocated by a tight lipped smile from him coupled with restlessness & edginess, reasons definitely known to her.

She smirked inwardly as her played tricks back in Delhi were showing its results here & now she just needs to exaggerate more.

She so wanted to ask him about his last night whereabouts & why had he avoided to stay in the apartments with her but seeing at his strict business like demeanor she had thought better of it, not wanting to irk him with personal questions. She can get her answers later on.

She took the meeting related file & faked to be busy going through it.

There were a few minutes for the meeting to start.

The peons were serving hot beverages & breakfasts to all the occupants present in the hall.

As usual Arnav settled for his black coffee & she herself for green tea but her complete concentration was on the man of her interest & not on the green tea or the file she was faking to read, but of course without making it obvious.

From the corner of her eyes she saw Arnav taking his coffee mug in his right hand & his mobile in his left.

After unlocking his mobile she saw him opening speed dials & the first number was of the person she so wants to wipe out from Arnav's life.

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