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I stared at the losers club from under the tree. Richie and i got in a fight and he hasn't talked to me ever since. and of course he probably got the whole losers club to avoid me and hate me. i have no one now. no friends. i didn't mean to get Richie mad. i missed the losers club. they accepted me. they understood me. i felt my throat start to burn. i got on my bike and left before i started crying.

i got to my house and parked my bike. i opened the door and heard my tv on. "mommy. i'm home" no answer. she must be out. i flopped down on my bed and cried. it was over. no one liked me anymore. i started up at the ceiling and cried.

"hey where's y/n?" Stan said. "i saw her leave. she probably went home" Bev said. "she should. she was being an ass today" i said, annoyed. "she didn't mean to upset you Rich." Bev says in her defense. "you're kinda the one being an ass." "what the hell Bev?" i say. "you hurt her. girls are sensitive these days" Bev shrugs "that's not my fault!" i yell. "just g-g-go and apologize" Bill says. "No!" i scream. "well i am." Beverly says, straddling her bike. "ya me too." Bill says. "ya same." says Eddie and i throw my hands up. "what the hell you guys?!" they all take off. i start to calm down, and then realize they're right. i was being an ass. so i go follow them.

I'm laying on my bed and i hear scratches from outside my bedroom door. i sit up,"momma? is that you??" no answer. i walk up to my door and open it. nothing. i step out and walk around. "momma??" the scratching noise grows behind me. i turn around. on the wall a black thing grows from out of the wall. it grows and grows and grows. i move toward it. it looks slimy and black, like tar. then it grows enough to show a face. it's burned up and deformed. i scream. and put my hand over my mouth, wide-eyed. i cant move. something grabs my feet. i look down and burned, bloody hands hold me in place. i scream even louder, "HELP!!" a red ballon makes its way down the hall toward me. "oh... SHIT!" it pops and i see a flash of Pennywise and everything goes black.

i pull up next to y/n's house and the rest of the losers club are outside. wide-eyed and shaking. "what the hell happened??" i say. "we just heard SCREAMS! then they just went away!" Ben says, terrified. i look up, shocked. "oh.... FUCK FUCK FUCK!" i say and run inside. "what the hell are you doing?" Mike yells. i ignore him and step inside. the house is empty there's no sound. i go upstairs and turn to y/n's room. i gasp as i look at the hall. there's black tar all over the wall. scratches on the other wall and blood on the floor. and a popped red ballon in the middle of that. i take a step back. "FUCK" i run out of the house

tears fell from my face. i don't know why, it's not like me to be a softie. then i realized, i had feelings for y/n. and now i might've lost her. "what the hell h-h-happened??" Bill says went i come out of the house crying. i take a shaky breath. "IT got her." their faces fade to a shocked and depressed look. "holy shit" Mike says. "we have to go back" i say and hop on my bike. Bill and Beverly do the same. the rest of the losers club hesitates. "do you want to save y/n??" i say to them. "ya but-" stan starts. "so this is the only way to get her back. let's go!" i say. they look at one and other and then join us.

when we get there, we put our rope down and climb down. "y/n??" Bev and i scream. "y/nnnn?" we turn through the tunnels and then find her floating like Bev was. "oh FUCK" i say. "y/n!" bev yells and runs to her. "someone help me get her!" Bill runs over and holds Bev up. She grabs ahold of y/n's legs and pulls them down. her eyes look hypnotized. "shit shit shit!" Stan says. Bev shakes her. "y/n! wake up! wake up y/n!!" i just stand there, hoping. "this might sound weird, but someone needs to kiss her." Ben says. "ew. why? this isn't sleeping beauty" Eddie says. "it worked with Bev. c'mon. any volunteers?" i look down, lick my lips, and then look up at y/n's face. i raise my hand, "i'll do it" i walk over in silence. so is everyone else. i put my hand under her face and chin. "y/n..... please." still nothing. so i kiss her. it was a purposeful kiss. not just because no one else was going to, but because i realized i actually loved her. and i let her leave and then IT got her. i owed this to her. i pull back. still nothing. "y/n!" i shake her. i hug her. she gasps and i pull back "y/n?" i have tears in my eyes. "Rich?" she says and pulls me into another hug. "y/n i'm so sorry i-" then i'm interpreted with a voice coming from behind us. "i see you found your friend!" We all turn around. Pennywise glares at us. we all freeze. y/n doesn't, she just stares. all of the sudden she's running at him and pushes him into the dark hole. we all run over and hear him screaming, like a baby. "ha." Bev says. i put my hand on y/n's shoulder. "that felt good." she says. "what? me?" i say. she chuckles then says, "no, pushing him down that hole and hearing him fall." she turns her head to me and laughs a bit, "but ya, you too" i smile and look at her. she smiles back. i don't take my eyes off her. her smile fades and i kiss her again. when we pull back she says, "i never knew you were such a softie." i smile. "i didn't know either"

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