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(listen to the song :p)

you glance at your watch, 5:31pm. your shift was over. you untie your apron, and removed the name tag while you hurry to the break room. you grab your jacket and bag and head out. but, stopped by your boss. you straighten up your posture and give them a smile.
"oh y/n, here's you paycheck" they said casually, handing out an envelope.
you smile, "thanks" and rush on out of there.
you decide to take Richie out to dinner tonight, for the occasion. so, you quickly go home and get dressed into something cozy, but formal and walk over to Richie's. you knock on the door and it's opened by his mother, Mrs Tozier.
"Mrs Tozier." you nod.
"i was just going to leave" she informs, "what are you doing here"
"i was... i was going to take Richie out for dinner. today was my payday"
Mrs Tozier keeps her blank look.
"have him back by ten. please"
"yes ma'am"
you watch her leave.
slowly, you make you way upstairs, you eyes trailing the staircase and the handrail. you haven't been at Richie's in awhile.
their house was welcoming, even if Richie's parents weren't.
a picture catches your eye.
it's a picture of Richie, probably around seven or eight.
you smile, running your thumb across the frame.
suddenly, a noice catches you attention.
a banging noice, coming from Richie's room.
you step toward the door, cautiously.
putting your ear to the door, you hear sounds of... kisses.
you step back, frightened and broken. you never though Richie would... cheat on you.
out of anger, you open the door.
two heads spin your direction.
both of them, shirtless.
the girl is only wearing her undergarments.
Richie is only wearing his boxers.
if i hadn't busted in just now they probably would've gone farther.

(third person)
Richie's throat was so dry and lumpy that he couldn't spit out what to say to y/n.
he now regretted everything. everything.
he should've never cheated on y/n. the love of his life. the only person he truly loved.
but now he ruined it.
he ruined everything.

(your pov)
Richie's mouth moved, yet no words came out.
i turned on my heel and raced downstairs, hearing Richie run after me.
it was like a silent movie. both of us were too shocked and broken that we couldn't say anything.
i pushed the door open and ran out into the cold.
Richie stood in the doorway, it was too cold for the bare chested boy.
"..y-y/n. please" he choked.
i didn't turn to him, i didn't talk back, i just stood there.
"y/n. i know you'll never forgive me for what i just did. just know that i'm sorry. i'm so so so sorry. i love you. honestly!" his voice broke.
i smacked my lips, still didn't move.
"i just... i need you. you're the light in my life. the distraction from the bad things...y/n. please. what i did was fucked up. i don't know what i was thinking."
i turned my head slightly, Richie was standing in the doorway, probably freezing cold. tears glistening in the moonlight. he ran his shaking hand, through his uneven hair.
we made eye contact for a second, before i broke it by turning away.
and with that i walked away.

Saturdays are not the same as they used to be
Sadder days, why do they keep on using me?
They keep on using me

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