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my eyes flutter open
i gasp and gag. i cough and cough and cough. i manage to stand up. everything's blurry and spinning. i stumble and fall. soon, i regain my focus. everything around me looks creepy, dark, wet, and....
i look up
there's a bunch of people... floating.
there's greywater flowing everywhere.
Beverly and Stan told me about this.
Holy shit.
i've been captured by IT
i hear voices.
"y/n?" they're soft.
"y/n!" i recognize the voice. it's Richie. my love.
"Rich! over here! help me!!"
he comes running around the corner
"y/n!" he walks toward me... something's different
his voice repeats...
"y/n y/n y/n y/n...."
his voice gets deeper...
and unrealistically deep...
the lights flash and Richie is replace by Pennywise. i scream.
he throws me against the wall and chokes me
"freaking let go!!" i yell in his face
"nooooo" he laughs.
he face starts to open up, showing bloody teeth.
i kick him and he drops me, Pennywise groans in pain.
i just stand there, anger burning in my eyes.
he looks up at me and smiles. and runs at me and his white gloves rip and reveal, claws.
with one hand, he slices them into my throat, cutting and choking me. i cant scream and i try to breathe for air.
with the other, he slashs his claws across my face, leaving three claw marks on my cheek.
"let..... let me go" i say, with no tone.
he laughs again and shakes his head.
i am expressionless, like i don't even care anymore.
he raises his claw again, probably going to kill me this time. then he turns his head like he hears something. he drops me and cuts me again before he leaves. i scream again.

"another scream! Rich, she's gotta be this way!" Bill says. we keep walking around in the tunnels and eventually come across the floating kids. i hear sobbing and wincing. y/n.

"y/n?" someone says, the tunnel next to me. i stand up, "Guys?" i turn around the corner...

y/n comes around into the tunnel... "Rich!" she says, starting to walk to me. "Rich. she isn't real. it's IT." Bill says
i take a step back.
she looks at me. then at the rest of us
"Guys. seriously! it's me! y/n! please!" she begs
"Kill IT"
"kill IT now Rich!"
i hesitate, but grab Mikes gun.
i hold it up.

Richie holds up a gun.
to me.
"RICHIE! please! it's me, y/n! i love you! i'm not IT!!"
Richie blinks with his bug eyes
"RICHIE! would you just kill it already!??" Ben yells
he turns toward me, looking me up and down
then he places his finger on the trigger....
"Richie... don't."

y/n falls to the floor
the losers don't say anything
"lets go." Bev says
"wait!" i say, stopping them.
i point at Bill, "when you killed 'Georgie' he shapeshifted back to Pennywise. WHY ISNT HE SHAPSHIFTING?!" i yell the last part
"uh. cause he's dead...?" Bill shrugs
"no he's a demon! he can't die! we just show him we're not afraid by trying to kill him, and then he goes off and then comes back 27 years from now!" i say.
i start crying
"you don't think...." Bill says, turning toward Bev
"that was actually y/n...." Bev
"NO. FUCK NO. no no no no! i just fucking KILLED my girlfriend!!!" i cry and yell in pain
someone laughs and we turn towards Pennywise.
"i would love to see that again. Richie. Richie Tozier kills his first girlfriend. and most likely... his last!"
i stand there, my bottom lip trembling
The losers run toward Pennywise and attack him.
i run to y/n
she's bleeding from her cheek, and from where i shot her. her abdomen.
why am i so stupid. i should know my girlfriend anywhere. she tried to tell me that it was her but i didn't listen. i didn't FUCKING listen.
i put my hands over my eyes and cry.
i've never cried this hard
the losers come back, panting.
"he's gone. back to hibernation" Bill says, catching his breath.
bev puts her hand on my shoulder, "if we get y/n back in time, we might be able to save her. we're lucky Richie has such a bad aim." she jokes
i don't even try to get back at her. i just keep crying, holding y/n in my arms.
"whoa. no reaction." Bev says, surprised

i pace back and forth and back and forth.
"just calm down, will ya?" eddie says.
"CALM DOWN?! ya! sure! i'll definitely be calm! because my girlfriends in the hospital, hanging on to dear life... because of ME!!! ME! i was the fucking one who fucking shot her! so yes, i'll be CALM"
"lower your fucking voice" Mike says, gritting his teeth.
"just at least sit down!" Bev says
i do what she says and wipe my tears

"it's been too long." i say, "i have a bad feeling about this!!" i freak out
"calm the fuck down! we'll see how's she's holding up when we see!" Eddie says, throwing his hands up in the air
i shut up
a doctor comes out of the room
i'm the first one to stand up
he nods at me
i run into the room
"y/n?" i say, tears coming down again
"Rich." she says softly.

every part of my body is connected to something, that's barely keeping me alive. "y/n i'm so fucking sorry! i don't know how you'll forgive me. i feel like a such a shitty boyfriend..." Richie sobs, holding onto my hand.
"Richie. i don't blame you. it's pretty hard to tell between a shapeshifter and myself"

"but i should know my girlfriend. i should've-"
"Richie. don't blame this all on you. i forgive you. and i need you to forgive yourself ok? please!"
the way she said 'please' gave me a flashback...

"RICHIE! please! it's me, y/n! i love you! i'm not IT!!"

i shake myself out of it
i put my hand on her cheek
"did he do that to you?" "i swear i'm gonna kill that motherfucker."
"but you can't."
"but i really fucking want to"
she smiles and i hug her as tight as i possibly can

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