lovers and haters {1}

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y/n was new to Derry Middle. she knew some people who went to that school already, so she knew what basically went on at the school. she even knew how Richie Tozier was a dick. Richie was popular, but very annoying. on the first day, just judging by what her friends had told her about Richie, she decided that she hated him.

"Richie Tozier? will you please come to the office?" said the principal on the intercom.
Richie stood up, people 'oohhh'ed as if he was in trouble. Richie smirked and walked out of the room.
he arrived at the office, and y/n and the principal stood there.
"y/n this is Richie" the principal announced, y/n's eyes enlarged at the familiar name.
"Richie this is y/n. she's new" said the principal, "will you please show her to her class?"
Richie nodded, leaving the room with y/n trailing behind.
"uhh. as you know, uhm, i'm Richie" he said, sticking his hand out to shake.
y/n assumed Richie was just trying to butter her up before he ruins her life. she let out a 'hmpf' and rolled her eyes.
"okayyy then" Richie said, turning away from the girl.
they walked in silence until the two got to
y/n's class.
"well here you are. room 205"
y/n mumbled a very quiet 'thanks' and walked inside.
Richie watched her walk away, turned on his heels and walked to his class.
when he got back to his class at sat down, Mike, who was sitting next to him, whispered, "what'd you do this time, Trashmouth?" he smirked.
Richie shrugged, "i had to walk a new kid to her class"
"her? huh." Mike said, leaning back to his desk.
Richie nodded even though Mike wasn't looking at him anymore.
for the rest of the class he didn't goof off or play tricks. all he did was think about the 'new kid'.
why was she acting so rude? he thought.
i was nothing but nice to her.
and why am i so quiet all of the sudden?
the boy just sat in class, picturing every detail he could recall on her face.
she was beautiful, Richie admitted.

(after school)
Richie decided to confront the girl again. hopefully erasing what happened before.
"y/n!" he called.
she turned her head.
he waved her over. and after a roll of the eyes, she did.
"i was wondering if i could walk you home. we didn't get off on a very good foot... so, i was hoping we could try again?"
"whatever." y/n said, turning and walking the direction to her house.
Richie ran up alongside her.
they walked side by side to y/n's house.
y/n didn't want to say anything, and Richie couldn't think of what to say.
he got to her door, and she walked up her porch. Richie's voice made her stop, "why are you acting so rude to me? i didn't do anything to you"
"because." y/n said.
"because why?"
"because i hate you Richie. you're annoying and disrespectful. i hate you" she said, rushing into the house and slamming it, before Richie could say anything back.
great. he thought. the girl i'm pretty sure i like, hates me.
Richie turned after a few seconds and walked home, heartbroken.

there will be a part two :)

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