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Tevin Booker

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Tevin Booker

A Few Days Later

I was sitting next to Jackie's hospital bed, with my arms folded across my chest, watching as she cuddled up to Ivy.

It has been a few days since everything went down and I was still confused and upset by what Quanie had told me, but I couldn't do anything until I talked to Jackie about what I was told.

I would've been done that shit by  now if she wasn't feeling the way she was, which  is why I've been putting the conversation off for so long. Though her surgery and everything was successful, she was having complications that was making her weak and sick.

"I appreciate you bringing Ivy to see me. I've missed her so much." She spoke, looking over at me.

"You is her mama, so of course I had to bring her to see you." I grumbled.

"Is... everything okay? You seem upset or something."

"I am, but I'm not trying to start no shit, especially while you're down and out so we'll just talk about this another time." See...here I go again, putting the conversation on hold because I was scared of the truth.

"Tevin... what's wrong?" She asked. I took a deep breath and stood up. It's now or never, Tevin. It's now or never.

"Did you know Quanie before you met me?" I asked her. Her face dropped a little, as she slowly pulled her eyes away from me.

"Yes. Quanie and I go way back." I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, feeling my anger rising. "H-How did you even know?"

"He told me!"

"Tevin... it's not what you think, I swear." She whispered, as the tears filled her eyes. The fuck was she about to cry for?

"It's not what I think, huh? So you didn't say that you could get into my head?"

"Yes, I did say that, but-"

"So basically you thought you could get inside of my head and report back to that nigga? Huh?" I shouted, standing over her. "You were playing me this whole fucking time!"

"Tevin please...I didn't know that I'd fall for you! I'll admit, I thought I could get inside your head because Quanie said that you were a sucker when it came to a pretty face and a fat ass. It wasn't until I met you when I realized that there was more to you than meets the eye." She cried, sitting up and reaching for my hand.

"Man don't fucking touch me!" I can't believe this shit. Everything that Quanie said was true and I hate to admit this shit, but my feelings we're hurt. They were seriously hurt and I had nobody to blame but myself, only because I really was a sucker for a pretty face and a fat ass.

"Tevin I'm sorry! I know it sounds fucked up, but-" She began, but I cut her off.

"Sounds fucked up? IT IS FUCKED UP!" My anger was getting the best of me and I couldn't calm down even if I wanted to. Ivy started to cry as Jackie consoled her, but she held her hands out for me. I reached to get her, but Jackie pulled her away. "The fuck is you doing?"

"You really need to calm down before getting her. I don't want you to do something you'll regret, all because you're mad at me." Was this bitch serious right now? Excuse my language, I didn't mean to call my daughter's mama out of her name, but is this bitch serious?

"Jackie... I'm not in the mood for this shit! Gimme my damn daughter before I do something I regret to your ass!" I spat, grabbing Ivy from her and slowly backing away.

"I understand you're mad at me, but you're not hearing me out and I think that's really unfair. I wasn't trying to play you, Tevin. I swear on our daughter I wasn't. I was just trying to help a friend, who told me that you and Talia were no good, and that was before we got to know each other. If I could take it all back I would, but then I we wouldn't have connected the way we did and brought a beautiful baby girl into the world. I love you, Tevin, and I am so sorry for everything. You have to believe me." I could see the sincerity in her eyes, but I was still too pissed off.

"I believe you Jackie. It's just gon take me a while to trust you again." 

"I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust back. I don't want this to mess up what we're trying to build with each other." She said. I took a deep breath and sat down, sitting Ivy down on my lap. 

"I chose Syd." I told her.

"W-what? I thought we...I thought we were going to give us a try." She whispered.

"I thought about it, but-"

"But you allowed Quanie to get inside your head, and for that...you chose Syd!" She snapped, cutting me off.

"Say what? I chose Syd before I even found out about you and your Lil Buddy! Nice try tryna flip the script though." I laughed.

"Did you even consider us being together? Being a family? You, me, and Ivy."

"Of course I considered it and we'll always be a family, but I can't live my life without Syd. I just can't and believe me... I've tried and I was miserable. The only time I wasn't miserable was when I was with Ivy. This Lil girl right here completes me and just because I chose Syd... doesn't mean I don't love you any less. Yeah, I'm pissed about the shit I just found out about, but I'll get over it because you and I will have to deal with each other for the next eighteen years. Whether we like it or not."

"You're right. I'm sorry... I just...I thought that we'd at least have a chance." She said.

"I did too, but if we're meant to be then it'll happen. It may not happen on your terms, but trust me...God works in mysterious ways." I said.

"Are we still friends?"

"Yeah, peanut head ass girl. The last thing I want is for Ivy to see her parents feuding with one another. My parents did that shit and that's why me and Talia so fucked up. I don't want that for our baby girl." She smiled a little and nodded her head, looking down.

"Things are gonna be different with us now. I can feel it." She murmured.

"Yeah, things might be a little different between us, but one thing for sure...I'ma always be there for you and Ivy. Y'all my girls and I love y'all both. As long as you don't try and put a nigga on child support, keep my baby away from me, or have a nigga around my child before I meet and scare his ass...then we'll be good." I told her. She laughed and nodded her head, reaching out to grab my hand.

"Alright deal."

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