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To: William

The Merging Process is almost complete. Our overpopulated city will be saved from starvation and disparity. According to our estimation, we can start this process next year.

Our scientists have altered the process so we can select the genetic, academic, physical and personality traits that the prototype will possess after the Merging Process. In order for the process to be successful, they must go through the cleansing process, a removal of all their memories. They should be between the ages of 15 and 16 when their brain is still flexible enough for change but strong enough for endurance.

However, despite all this, we shouldn't forget that we are still human. Taking their memories away is an inhumane thing to do. We must also consider the aspect of allowing them to return to their original forms. Once the participants are Merged, there is no going back.



To: Teresa

Desperate times call for desperate measures. At least 40% of our former population is gone due to starvation, dehydration and diseases that we cannot cure. We must take charge to create a new generation, a healthier race, to lead us to a better future.

The way I see it, they will still be human after the Merging Process. Cleansing their memories is a new start to their brand new life. The process will be approved by the Republic. You have my consent.



The mother stared at her 10-year-old child, playing the piano with all her heart. In 5 years' time, it would be her turn. Her turn to be chosen for the Merging Process.


A/N: Cover credit goes to Beedos, my editor.

P.S. Please don't get confused by the names. Everything will make sense as the story continues. You will meet these people again, so please remain patient!

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