Chapter 5

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"Today, we will be practicing with simulation guns. "Matthew, our instructor, sporting many tattoos and piercings, announced. I knew he was trying intimidate us, but it didn't seem to have that much of an effect on me.

"We have rifles, handguns, snipers, and many more. The goal for today is to choose your weapon to specialize in. A serum will be injected to allow you to practice for a few hours. If you wish to leave, the password is merge." The computer whirred to life as the serum began to activate itself.

"Matthew, why can't we use the real stuff?" Lauren whined as she batted her eyelashes innocently. This was only our first day and I was already beginning to dislike this girl.

"Because using the real stuff is dangerous." He replied as he flexed his arms, showing off his toned muscles. Eww. "You could potentially get yourself hurt or killed."

"I don't understand," Justin interrupted. "If we don't get to use the real deal, why bother?"

Matthew decided to blatantly ignore Justin's question. "Justin, since you have volunteered yourself to be first, please step forward so I can insert the serum properly." Justin gritted his teeth as he stomped to the front of the line, watching warily as Matthew prepared the serum.

He maintained a stoic expression as Matthew silently injected the fluid into his neck. I watched his shoulders tensed before trudging back to his original spot.

"You're next." He gestured towards Lauren who had just finished braiding her black hair, the white band exceptionally contrasting to her hair color.

Lauren stepped forward with a pout and puppy eyes. She flinched when Matthew inserted the serum, but soon calmed down as her eyes glazed over.

It was rather funny to watch the two of them shoot random objects using their bare hands. I stifled a giggle when Justin fell flat on his back and Lauren attempted to do a flip.

"Zachariah." Matthew called, retrieving another serum from a container.

A boy with wild curly hair stepped forward, radiating waves of confidence. He barely flinched when Matthew inserted the serum into his neck.

"Kyle." Matthew announced, cleaning the needle with an antiseptic.

Kyle stopped leaning against the pillar and stepped forward to glare at Matthew. The two seemed to have a history behind them as Matthew smirked at Kyle's grimace.

"Just get it over with." He muttered, glaring at his sneakers.

"Lighten up, Kyle." Matthew ruffled his hair playfully. "How many times have you went over this?"

"Shut up, Matthew." He glared at him, tempted to swat away the serum.

Matthew raised his hands in mock surrender, his eyes glimmering in amusement. "Alright, alright. I'll shut up." He swiftly inserted the needle into the vein of his neck.

I was the last one left in the group as Matthew beckoned me to step forward. I stood with every inch of bravery I could muster while maintaining a neutral expression.

"This might hurt." He chuckled before inserting the needle into my neck.

The aching pain soon faded as the world spun around me, the colors fading in and out before turning into dreary shades of grey. Targets lined the faded white pillars on my right. On my left, guns of all sorts were lined up in neat rows. The faded walls and floors seemed rough and weary from years of use.

I lifted the first gun up. It was comparatively slimmer and smaller than the others. Gripping both hands on the gun, my subconscious wrapped my fingers around the trigger as I aimed the weapon towards the target.

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