Chapter 23

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I had done this so many times that I had began to pick up some minor details while slipping out of the Institute. How the hidden cameras would blink orange if they picked up suspicious activity. How the halls seemed to be geometrically straight and did ninety degree turns instead curving naturally. How there seemed to be little or no activity the moment the clock hit eleven at night.

A hand grabbed me from behind. "Excuse me, but where are you going?"

"Anthony?" I swiveled towards the familiar voice.

"Yes, I asked you where you were going. You seem to be lost." He stated, his eyes glassy and faraway.

"I'm going out." I freed my arm and continued walking away at a brisk pace, brushing off his strange reaction.

"Are you lost? Otherwise, you need to get back to your room." He continued to follow me persistently. I had never seen Anthony act this strange before.

"I need to go to do some..." I trailed off, hoping he would catch the hint. "Errands."

"I'll give you a pass if you need complete some errands, no matter what time it is. We don't need other people getting you in trouble just because you were wandering around." He pulled out a stylus and began scribbling incoherent letters onto his Tabloid. "Just give me a valid reason for your actions."

"I..." I scanned my surroundings, grasping for anything that could rid me of this situation. "Training sessions."

Anthony reached to grab my arm, but froze midway. He blinked a few times before letting his arm fall limp. "I'm sorry?" Then did he recognize me. "Arista?"

"I need to go."I gestured towards the exit. He then squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating deeply. When he opened his eyes, they were slightly dilated and unfocused as he inhaled sharply through his nose, his fingers curling to fists.

"Leave, and make it quick." He spun around abruptly and jogged in the opposite direction of where he came from. I continued running towards the exit, brushing off Anthony's strange behaviour.

Oliver was grinning at me as I sent jab after jab at his stomach, which he blocked with ease.

"You're not even trying, Arista. If you want to beat the Security, you're going to have to try harder than that." I sent him another kick towards his stomach, but he grabbed my foot and easily hurled me to the ground.

"You have to be light and quick on your feet. You have to be sneaky and attack when they least expect you to." He instructed, wiping some sweat off of his brow. "Karen! Come over here so I can beat your butt in front of Arista!"

"Says the one who was begging me to stop kicking him last time." Karen rolled her eyes before resuming a fighting stance. "I win most of the time, so it's pretty pointless to try to beat me."

Oliver cocked his head arrogantly. "We'll see." Then, he stepped forward and sent a punch towards her jaw. Karen ducked effortlessly and swung a punch towards his stomach, sending him reeling. The routine continued until Karen made the sudden move of kneeing him where it hurted most and holding him in a choke hold against the wall.

Finally, Oliver relented and admitted defeat. Raising her hands triumphantly, Karen patted Oliver on the back in mock sympathy. "Don't worry, you'll get better."

"Thanks Karen," Oliver muttered, his ego obviously bruised. "Anyways, let's continue."

The key was to be fast and strong. I dodged Oliver's first punch and hurled one towards his unguarded chest. The moment he staggered, I landed a powerful kick right at the same spot and then twisted him to the ground. However, Oliver easily wormed his way out of my choke hold, staggering back to his feet. Unlike Karen, my grip wasn't as steely or strong as hers.

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