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Firstly, thank you to everyone that has joined me on Arista's adventurous journey. Every single time I look at the statistics, I feel a sense of satisfaction that so many people have taken the time to enjoy my book and what I offered. When I receive a notification from my fans, (and yes before I started publishing this, the idea of a fan club was incredibly far-fetched for me ;)) A smile always makes its way to my face no matter how bad (stressful) the situation was for me. So, thank you.

This story wasn't inspired by an idea of my own, but by a good friend and classmate of mine. Last year, she suddenly had this idea of merging people into one. We did a lot of ideas and fun stuff on it until I decided to take a big step and turn it into a full-length story, which is what we have now.

Anyways, I'm sure most of you are rapidly scrolling through this because it's a really long author's note. However, stop right here, because whether you wrote it in the comments or not, most of you should be internally screaming: How is this the end?! How can you just leave us hanging like that?! That's so mean!

Guys, chill. When my friend first read this (the very first rough draft with zero edits), she said about the same thing. Which is why: There are bonus chapters.

And yes, now you may be thinking: Bonus chapters are not enough to cover what happens next, because you literally just got everyone Merged then ended the story there.

For me, bonus chapters are there to fill in on other characters' thoughts and their actions. The first one will be published next week, and there will also be another one two weeks after. However, since I think I have a decent enough fan base, I've decided to ask you guys to give me ideas on what you want me to write. Here are the rules:

Nothing immature, thank you very much. No spoilers. Be specific. e.g. Chapter 34 from Kyle's point of view / Prologue from Teresa or William's point of view. Be creative! The more interesting I find the prompt, the more likely I'll use it :D

Also, do you guys want me to host a Q and A session? This is where I'll clear up some confusing bits in the story and maybe drop some hints on the sequel.

Yeah, I saved the best for the last. There's a sequel, so don't remove this from your library, because I'll keep you updated on what's happening next. I'll hopefully start publishing within a month, but the story will definitely be out within two months.

Yes, it's a long wait, but please be patient, (although I know most of you are) because I want the sequel to be in tip-top shape when I publish it. That means tons of editing and rewrites for me :)

Stay tuned guys!

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